Tanks "healing" more than Healers is bad game design

Its literally dev design fails. Everyone but healers got massive buffs (the % hp increase and iirc 2x now). All the devs needed to do to ensure healers were manadatory was to nerf tank self sustain and grouping healing, and nerfing dps ability to self heal as well. But then we would have an uprising as the dps and tanks cry about the loss of self agency.


So healers can be nerfed but not tanks? Nerf tank healing, buff their active mitigation and you buff tank survivability while keeping the necessity of bringing a healer. Or we can revert the 2 rounds of stamina buffs :smiley:


For dps the self agency only goes so far anyway with most dps specs. So yeah I’m crying because healers can’t hang.

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Just because a tank is out healing a healer doesn’t mean the healer has nothing to do. I can be constantly spamming heals on my priest and still not come out far ahead of the tank simply because their heals are so much more powerful.
When my cool down heals crit on the priest, they do 1/8th of the tanks hp. That’s less than my standard word of glory as a tank. If my wog crits, it’s nearly 100% of a dps’ hp. As a priest, i have to spam heals to get them back to full.

If I’m farming wyrm or drake crests, I don’t even bring a healer. 1. They’re impossible to find and 2. I can keep the group up myself.

I think the real question is, does blizzard want tanks being able to solo mid level mythics

Same. If I wanted to DPS, I’d dps. Using utility to save people and even RP as a more passive/medic type character is fun for some.

If they made all healing to be half damage, half heal as opposed to the option of leaning either way with some builds, I dunno if I would do much group content.

I dont wanna “compete for big damage,” especially if CC isnt even a thing anymore really. That doesnt sound like a fun dungeon run, to me.

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Skill problem only DKs have out healed me since i hit 400ilvl.

Yea not happening as much as you think . You are wat hing MDI and thinking wveryones doing this and its not the case.

Tanks have been out healing healers since end of TBC 10+ years ago in many dungeons. They take the most damage by design a good tank will know how to keep themselves up and that requires lots of self-heals They know their toon best so a good tank will get a self heal in faster than a group heal will be able to heal them. And then the rest of the grop may end up not dropping very much so the healer will not need to heal them as well.

I said if the group actually needs heals. That means I’m not talking about trivial content.

Tanks outhealing a healer and some of the responses are healers shouldnt need to worry about tanks? What the hell are healers in WoW then? “Supports”? Oh right right: Healers should be DPSING M+ fights instead of healing…

Couple that with folks only wanting Holy Paladins now for higher keys and bringing the token Aug evoker (Thereby screwing over pres evokers yet again) and you have a pretty awesome time to be alive as a healer in WoW > <

Sure, it is by class design, but if they made a healer that only healed via DPS and topped the DPS charts overall every dungeon to be able to keep the group alive, there would be an uproar from the dps. Also, it would be the only healer taken to dungeons. It would be by design, but not good design.

Healers should do the most healing, that is why they are healers. I haven’t had the same problem the OP has, I don’t think I have been out-healed overall by a tank the entire expansion, but I can understand the sentiment.

Hps and dps aren’t comparable.

Healing is zero sum, you can only heal the damage that happens.

More dps is always possible and better.

Also tanks aren’t healing the party, they are self healing as part of their mitigation.

Tanks aren’t healing the other 4 members and carrying healing checks on trash and bosses.

This notion that tanks are replacing healers is absurd.

No I didnt convey my message very well there. I think if I as a tank am taking less damage then I would also be doing less healing. I just want to feel tanky the healing idc about.

Ill outheal you on any tank in the game. Come do a key with me and you will see tanks other than blood dks can do over 200k hps

Well that just means that you and your Dps are taking as little damage as possible. That’s a good thing.

In 10.0 I was in a 19 SBG and everyone died on the last boss except the DK tank. The boss was about 45% HP. The DK proceeded to run through the wall mechanic and solo the boss. The tank can just about replace the entire group as long as there isn’t a hard dps check.

A hard dps check, as in timing the key??

The entire point of mythic+?

Why aren’t tanks soloing keys?

5 tanks can and have completed high keys in time. It isn’t as efficient, that is why they aren’t doing it all the time, but they can if they want.

My man, you’re doing keys in the mid-to-high teens. You could do those keys at 400 ilvl cross-eyed, monitor off, and one hand tied behind your back. There is almost no fatal mechanics and everything can be healed off.

Anything that that’s not fatal, but near-fatal, is going to be mistakes by people standing in stuff, so what you’re left with is incidental, unavoidable group damage, of which there is precious little at your key level, and less that needs to be reliably healed at the current median gear level.

The rewards don’t stop at +20, they stop at +16, technically, but the reason people do keys above +17 is because they want to push io score for their own personal gratification, and - for the highly ambitious - reach for the coveted title cutoff for the season. It’s no different than pushing 3s rating in PVP or going for CE in a given raid tier. Strictly speaking, you also have KSM @ 2K for a mount, and then KSH @ 2.5K for the transmog stone.

What we’re telling you is that you’re not healing because there’s nothing to heal, mate. It’s that simple. Whether or not people tell you to “heal better” is irrelevant. It’s math. If people aren’t taking that much damage from middling key mechanics, there’s only so much damage to heal since overhealing isn’t included in HPS tracking.

Good healers can make or break keys where the content requires actual strategy, planning, care, and consideration to how, where, and when you decide to use a given CD, be in DPS, Healing, Tank, or Utility. At your level, that’s not a necessity, and as a result, it’s going to be able to just be rolled flat over by anyone with enough gear that doesn’t stand in effects habitually.

There isn’t an issue with healers, there’s an issue with your satisfaction with the content you’re doing. Point-blank. If you wanna come on here to whimper aloud in the hopes of finding an echo chamber, that’s not gonna happen.

I can FEEL when we have a dogwater healer that’s been propped up by hypermeta tanks like bear, or a Holy priest that’s trying to swap Disc and is pretty bad at it, or a druid that can’t manage their HoTS. There’s so much group damage that you have to be able to heal well, use CDs intelligently, and know how to emphasize proper group triage.

Compare the Fissuring Slam of a +22 Fort ULD to a +17 Fort ULD.
The +22 is doing ~328K to everyone. That’s a lot of damage to heal.
The +17 is doing ~186K to the group. It’s a little over half the damage.

In higher keys healers literally make and break entire runs, even if everyone is doing everything exactly as they should be. Why? Because there’s unavoidable damage that makes healers have to sweat, because they’re integral. Literally this morning my group’s HPal did 150K HPS on group G22 of ULD because there’s so much group damage.

I don’t know how much clearer it has to be. Maybe you just don’t like healing.

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Warriors can solo bosses at 19, it’s not a healing problem, it’s legit just low damage intake. If the healer and DPS died and the tank didn’t, then it sounds like someone either stood in stuff, or didn’t execute a mechanic properly.

If they legitimately died to just AOE pulses then it’s a healing output issue, likely coupled with DPS not pressing personal CDs to mitigate hits, as many DPS are wont to do at that key level.

Hell, even against certain double or triple pulls on Fort weeks past +20 I can survive solo if I’m careful, but my health bar is bouncing all over the place, I’m turtling in Defensive Stance, and I lose about 12K DPS because I’m beating my Ignore Pain keybind like it owes me money.

Healers help the group survive, yes, but it also contributes to DPS because I’m not sweating over micromanaging every detail in a pull to survive, especially when someone drops to being out of position or gets clipped by a one-shot.