Tanks "healing" more than Healers is bad game design


Also it feels terrible for the healer, even doing a nearly “perfect” 0 deaths run, to see HPS lower than the Tank. We all know it’s “normal”, we all know that is not “a problem”. Feels terrible anyway.


Throw heals at the tank anyway and waste globals/mana if you want to see hps go brrrrr.

Tanks being self sufficent to an extent is fine as it allows you to focus on the other 4 people. A tank is NEVER going to outhps you on a fight like Bromach, Asaad, Emberon, Monstrosity, or the 3rd boss of HoI because they all kind of do negligible tank damage compared to the raidwides and most of those death strikes or vengeance healing is going straight into overhealing.


Tanks should 100% be outhealing healers.

It’s not a healers job to babysit the group.

Ideally the healer should only be healing unavoidable damage, the occasional mistake from dps and any damage the tank can’t mitigate themselves.

It’s not a healers job to sit there spamming heals the entire run.


if you think Tanks being self sufficent is bad
then baby sit a blood DK while the dps folds like cards
or a warrior

and if a tank is self sufficent then healers should be happy


I think this is inevitable when you play with a good group.

If dps are actively avoiding as much dmg as possible, then it really doesn’t leave the healer with much to heal.

This idea that dungeons are loaded with “unavoidable aoe damage” is clearly false.

It’s so weird though when half of GD thinks healing is too hard and stressful and then there is posts like these where healers basically have nothing to do.


i know what is it to hard or nothing to do

this just means your grp played really well or you were paired with a blood dk. just add to the grp’s damage when healings not needed. its not problematic its just how classes work.


as a person who heals quite a bit, no it doesn’t. i don’t know anybody who cares about hps in keys as long as healing checks are being met.

also if you have a bdk tank and they’re not outhealing you by a mile, they’re playing badly


haven’t got to do much in this xpan yet, have had a late start but this seems like such an odd thing to complain about ?

isn’t it good that tanks are being self sufficient, and dps need little healing ? doesn’t that mean you have a good group or am I living in back asswards land.


I don’t know why the healers healing, tanks having amazing resistances/damage reductions and DPSs doing damage is such a crazy concept for the WoW community… But hey, it is what it is. And I don’t even care about healers doing damage while no healing is required (not wasting GCds), that is just obvious.

Healers should be the ones with the healing, give tanks better armor/DR/resistances.

No wonder healers are rare to find, we can’t excede even in our own role.


I do think Blood DKs get to be the exception to that rule, since thats kinda their territory too.

But otherwise I don’t disagree.


you must be special to feel terrible about a meter measurement… thats a new low in these forums ngl


yes we can. our role isn’t just “do the most hps”. you’re trying to confine the role to an extremely narrow niche.


It’s kind of hard to make tanks totally reliant on their healer in an infinite scaling system.

If they needed focused healing from auto attack damage in a +5 how is that going to scale to +25?


also, as somebody who plays tanks as well… tanking is fun when you have agency over your own survival. it is no fun at all when every tank is “hit cds and pray your healer can keep you up”


thats the problem the hey nerf the blood dk healing its not right
we take a hit we hit back to get health within 5-8 secs if timed right

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I’m complaining about a game design decision that makes the role called HEALER to have less HEALING DONE in the end of a dungeon run than the TANK role.

Your simplification of my point either means you’re dishonest or perhaps you’re the “special one” here. Was never the brightest of the class am I right?

Sure, the HEALER role is not to HEAL. Sure buddy, whatever makes you happy.


okay so you’re just trolling. see ya!


Healer really matters in pvp if anything. A good healer can make anyone immortal as long as everyone operates on the same wavelength .

Always someone who insists x-role should play worse…

Legion was most fun at the end when everyone was kinda OP. Tanks had great sustain and self heal. Healers had great heals and decent damage. DPS was all over the place.

It was fun. And then BFA guttet it, only to have the nerfs slowly rolled back.