Tanks "healing" more than Healers is bad game design

That’s how it should be fine.

Also healers should do seriously DPS and not just tickle enemies while you break your fingers

Clearly they do since that’s the current play style.

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Yeah, healers do have to spam heals a lot.

I mean if you want to heal a tank just play with prot warriors they need all the heals they can get.

At high keys if you nerfed tank healing you would see even a larger drought of healers as keeping 3 dps alive who are least somewhat avoiding damage can be hard enough, now imagine having to heal someone who takes as much damage as all 3 dps combined on top.

Looking at my M+ logs on average as a tank i will take anywhere from 60-80% of the groups damage depending on the dungeon assuming the dps are avoiding damage and using their defensives. Depending on which tank i am playing i will then heal myself anywhere from 60% (prot warrior) to 100% of that damage (BDK). So pretty much healers are just hardly managing to heal even 20-40% of the groups damage taken and you want to make their lives even worse?


No. I mean they don’t.

They don’t have to stand around spamming heals because the tanks can take care of themselves, and if the dps are smart they use their defensives, heals and don’t stand in the mechanics.

Like I originally said, it’s not a healers job to stand around and spam heals for 30 minutes.

Blizz made tanks tanky for this reason.

Okay, gotcha and agree. However, there are some massive AoE heal checks in the game that make it feel that way. Or when DPS don’t use CDs/awareness well.

But on the tanks not needing heals, I agree.

This is too true

I mean in some ways i like the way we have been going with of less powerful healers and more personal responsibility on every party member to survive. Bad dps players have spent too many years not even knowing their class even had something called a defensive cooldown.

The problem of course is M+ and its infinite scaling that model starts to fail at high levels especially when classes are no where near equal when it comes to defensives/self sustain.

hmm, i guess there are different opinions but:
healer = heals mainly with low damage
tank = mostly defensive & offensive with some heals

and yet with the introduction of mythic+, heals seem to be being pushed aside, since tanks (there is that word again) are not only doing more damage but more heals, why?

i can only guess has something to do with eSports.

Except that tank “healing” is their self mitigation and are in no way shape or form replacing healers in keys.

They aren’t healing the dps or healer. They don’t meet healing checks on the party.

They mitigate and sustain themselves through pre-damage mitigation (doesn’t show up on meters), absorbs (shows up as healing) and self healing.


exactly. i’ve never had a bdk keep me alive through aoe damage, no matter how big a number is next to their name on details.


I almost exclusively play tank and i 100% agree with you. Theres nothing wrong with it but man it feels bad as the healer.

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The idea isnt nerf tank healing. I think it would be more fun if my tank took less damage and wasnt doing 200-500k hps and constantly about to die

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Thats a really good point I think most people havent considered.

I like tanks that are self-sufficient and barely need any heals. Then I can focus on those dps players that like to stand in the bad.

plenty of mythic + groups are taking tank + 4 dps instead of a healer and 3 dps.

no they’re not


By “plenty” do you mean like 4 runs done by premades to make a video??

Go ahead and find me 5 runs out of the top 10,000 without a healer lol.

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I mean that is mostly just blood dk plays that style neither my prot warrior or paladin has the problem of nearly dying every 10 seconds like my blood dk has.
I mean yes bloods identity is self sustain but imo they have put far too much emphasis on self sustain at the cost of everything else.