Tanks "healing" more than Healers is bad game design

Yes. Obviously. That is the entire point. Why are you saying this like that is not what I meant? What is wrong with you?

Yes. And that is the point. Stuff below +20s is boring, and the game design is lacking and not making healing game-play fulfilling during the M+ climb. That is precisely what I’m saying… WTF?
I was a returning player, was at my first vault reward when I made this thread describing what I saw during the climb all up to +17s - +18s.

How you can say that:
“you’re doing keys in the mid-to-high teens (+17s/+18s by the way). You could do those keys at 400 ilvl cross-eyed, monitor off, and one hand tied behind your back. There is almost no fatal mechanics and everything can be healed off.”

Not a problem? Really?

Perfectly clear, you’re a big ambulant contradiction. One time you said that healers can do +17s/+18s with the monitor off, next you say that there is not a single problem in the healing design. What are you? A clown?

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Except OP was literally all whine, no nuance. If you want to shift the goalposts and point out a more specific complaint, fine, but the issue you’re taking is that easy content is easy, and you find easy content unfulfilling. I agree, that’s why I prefer mythic raiding and trying to push IO as hard as I can when the desire strikes me.

You want me to complain about Heroic and Normal because they’re too easy? The vast majority of players still find it challenging. Just doing 15s put you in the top 10% of player skill, FYI.

Like ??? dawg, you sure I’m the one that’s contradictory? :rofl:

Literally just go do 20s and up, you’ll be happier for it.

How can you say this while posting on a paladin…

What do you mean, my self heals are way below that of a dk or a monk or a druid. The only thing I got going for me is that I can heal others as well.

Yes, I’m sure. You said that healers can heal content below +20s with the monitor off, and also said that there is not a single problem with the current M+ healing design.
You don’t understand your contradiction because you lack cognitive ability.

Some of those AoE pulses are interruptable, like worms in Underrot. It baffles me to join a 16 for easy crests and see dps not interrupting the worm channel, taking several full aoe hits.

And that’s after I used my hoj and interrupt already.


I’m done, this dude is just here to complain about something that doesn’t exist while playing the most meta spec in the most mediocre keys.

Getting the same boots in the vault 3/5 last weeks is bad game design, The other 2 weeks? head slot! is there no protection against this?

The “protection” is opening up more than 1 vault slot.

If you have 6 slots, for example. the odds of you being stuck with the same boots every week is pretty low since you have 5 other slots to RNG.