Tanks "healing" more than Healers is bad game design

Just because the game was inherently easier doesn’t mean it was better designed.

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Weird take. So people can’t share their opinions and subjective tastes about game design? I either love how it is now or make my own MMO? This is so stupid, sorry dude… How can you even think like that? LOL

Sure! I love ERA vanilla WoW. I’m a bit tired of the SSF HC for now, but will sure try the new HC server with more group content. Other than that, at some point I’m just tired of beating the same thing over and over. Classic WoW is and will ever be the best version of WoW for my tastes, but at some point we just accept that we “beat” the game. I don’t play ERA very often nowadays.

That quite literally is their job though and if it isnt that you are proving the OP’s point about there being a design flaw lol.


I do or at least try to. I just had three teeth removed today and am still feeling like a horse kicked me in the face, so its a bit hard to think clearly. It would be easier if we had signatures like the old days. I’ve also thought about making it into a gif so I can just copy and past and control the size a bit better.


I just wish I could do my dps rotation long enough to be meaningful before the whole group is just always randomly at 15% health every time I look away.

Oh ok, i suppose thats forgiveable then ahah xD here I’ll make up the missed one for you.


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If a tank is out healing you, you’re not doing your job right. There are times when a tank might get ahead of me in hps, but by the end of a fight I’ve caught back up and surpassed them. Depends on burst damage windows and if they’re using cds or not. And to be perfectly honest, its nice when the tank does half the healing for me. Takes some weight off my shoulders.

If it’s pure mitigation like Ironfur, Barkskin or Survivak instinks it doesn’t count but if there are Shields and Absorption involved it counts as healing

This can’t be more wrong.

First of it depends on the Tank, you’ll never outheal BDK on Higher Keys except something on that dungeon goes really wrong.

Outhealing Brewmaster and Warri can be common.

But the Higher the Key where tanks getting a lot of DTPS they usually outheal a healer.

If the group plays clean and nice you can even play 22BH on Tyrannical with only 35k HPS

If the Party is crappy and nobody uses kicks and stuns you need to heal a lot and chances are good that you outheal the tank

Thereso if a tank outhealing a Healer or not says absolutely nothing about how skilled a healer is

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Higher keys sure i can see that scenario but for all other content? Theres no reason a tank should be doing more than a healer.

I agree but that’s how thats the state of the game is right now.

If I do a HC with my full geared Gdruid for the Bag, the healer even doesn’t show up because my wildfire and Regrowth Proc heals everything on the run.

What Healers need is at least enough damage to outdamage the Tank, because being bad at all metrics just feels crap and that’s why I prefer playing my Gdrood instead of my Prevoker at the moment.

The amount of stress you get into as healer stands in nö realation to the output that can be done as Healer in m+.

It’s a different Story in RAID where you can easily pull 200k HPS which feels pretty good and useful but this feeling doesn’t come up in m+ at all

While i half agree with you, healers should not be constantly spamming, or chasing psycho tanks barely keeping up because we have to stop for 1.32 seconds to actually heal. I think a lot of people are taking this stance and it is kind of the problem.

I know we have fewer random rocket shooters tagging the whole group or random melee charges at whoever is not currently holding aggro. BUT

That being said. Healing is one of the 3 parts of a group. Many times in WoWs past healing was more stressful than tanking. Dots and dispells and damage everywhere. Dps (and other heals) standing in sh!t.

To my point though, tanks should not be self sufficient or it minimizes the role of other classes.

If the tank dies, its the healer’s fault. If the healer dies, its the tanks fault. If dps dies, its their own fault. Old way of thinking maybe. But if a tank is sufficient, why even play with anyone else? Grab an invis potion for those larger trash pulls you can survive and just go solo all the bosses.

I can solo probably 95% of Zaralek caverns content but its bleeding boring. Why. With 1 dps elites take a couple minutes. With 3 they take a minute or 2. With a full group we can burn stuff down, BS about it and get stuff done and its really fun. By myself…15 minutes later and the elite dies. Tanks just dont (or shouldnt have) enough damage by themselves. Its the reason we survive. We sacrifice dps for survivability. But when that gets to the point of not needing g certain roles its kind of breaking the games design. Balance and reliance is what makes MMOs, well, MMOs.

I think I said it before but it’s sort of a knock on effect.

When they made tanks almost completely self reliant without a need for a group outside of just damage, we had things where people were starting to run dungeons without a healer because why require why not just bring along extra damage?

Instead of reigning that in, they leaned into it but now they had to make healers relevant, so they just added more unavoidable damage to dps, while also making it more difficult to heal said dps by increasing their health pools and damage taken, but not changing the heals themselves all that much.

It’s designed in such a way that if you are already a very competent healer, not much will change for you and you’ll likely enjoy the challenge. If you are new however, you are in for a pretty rough time and will more likely than not, just switch to DPS as it is way more newb friendly.

I dunno, BDK and warr are also self sufficient. I am playing all tanks this season and there have been a lot of dungeons where my prot warr overall Hps is higher than the healers.

I still hold to my statement. Outside of like blood dk. If tank healing is continuously passing healers for over all, yall are probably doing content below gear/skill levels.

Occasionally? Ok. I get it. But with how m+ is currently designed with high healing checks, and that is literally one of the largest complaints. That healing is tough because of the wide range and quantity of healing checks…

So yeah.

This is the exact reason meters were never added to the base game. People care too much about a stupid number. If you have time where youre not healing, then just throw in some dps? Unless you’re worried you may out dps a dps and then have to make an entirely new forum about why healers are out dpsing a dps

I don’t know if this doesn’t happen to me because pug life is full of avoidable damage, but I don’t think I can even remember the last time I saw this happening.

And, even when it does, it usually means a combination of some of these three things:

  • Tanks that use healing as “mitigation” (DK).
  • DPS doing their job properly and avoiding damage, while burning things fast enough.
  • Overgearing the content.

As long as the bulk of that tank “healing” is on themselves, that’s okay. I’d worry if the tank was healing the whole party consistently more than the healer.


You literally have 4 other people to worry about. Go heal them.

Tanks should be self sufficient. Healers get plenty of opportunity to heal.

The OP’s issue isn’t “I never get to heal” it’s “I’m not on top”.

It’s just an ego problem. He wants to control the flow of the group by being the one who decides how much damage intake the tank can handle.

If tanks weren’t self sufficient then a healer could sabotage a run by simply only healing the bare minimum amount to handle a single pack of mobs.

And you know that healers wouldn’t be able to keep up if a tank wanted to pull more. The healers would scramble to heal the tank, spend the entire run soaking 1 button and the dps would never get heals and die.

And nobody wants that.

Sounds more like Tanks are capable of healing themselves and DPS aren’t being stupid while Healers are just being benched until only when healing is needed.

This is why I love the design of prot warrior, though. Your healing is potentially the lowest of any tank, but it doesn’t matter because you simply refuse to take damage.

Does Blizzard agree with this?