Tanks "healing" more than Healers is bad game design

I love it. It means i cna focuse on healing the dps that are. For some reason or another. Standing in something theg shoulsnt be

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You may need to read up or watch some videos on your class if youre that far behind in heals tbh. Sounds to me like you just dont quite grasp how to heal yet; thats okay though we all have things we can work on :^)


This is why I only run with guild healers, they all understand, don’t heal me, period. Their hps does much better when they focus on the dps. Honestly they need to re-release the “undying” title.

Perfect example of how out-of-control Tank self-healing has created enormous egos among Tanks.


No, that is literally just how blood DK works. Experienced, confident healers, don’t pay much attention to Blood DK. Meanwhile the panicy, nervous healers have zero mana and are letting people die to heal a Blood DK who is one button from going from 40% to 100%.


I know what you mean. I’ve done runs where I have to heal hard because everyone stands in everything and then I’ve had runs where I have to do practically no healing and get to do DPS for a change.

I think looking at it from this perspective that the healer needs to have the best healing is going to drive you crazy. Only because if you look at the amount of incoming damage that is taken there’s no way a healer can keep up with it all. A tank needs to be mitigate and recover from the amount of damage.

A good group absolutely will make a healer feel like they aren’t needed in at all. Always remember that they/you are NEEDED. Without the healer the rest of the DPS specs would have to focus on survival over straight up damage. Even if they are avoiding various damage from the dungeon having the healer there is great if a mistake is made and to hit those healer checks.

I ran a dungeon the other night and had to heal so little the tank out healed me so much it was insane I felt terrible because I didn’t need to do my role, but these roles are a bit fluid based on your group. I even said to the group you all make a healer not needed because I had to do so little. I just got the spend the game doing damage instead and helping pass heal checks.

I promise no one is gonna be mad or think less of healing because tanks can survive just about anything. It’s best not dwell on those numbers and mainly focus on enjoy the game.

Maybe change up the talents for a little more damage through put and a little less healing. It’s typically when I do.

You’re just describing BFA.

It wasn’t fun.

Tanks “healing” more than the Healers is bad healers not bad game design lol. Only one this doesn’t apply to are death knights. Any group that actually needs healing, if the tank(besides dk) is out healing the healer then the healer is bad. That’s really all there is to it.

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Or people are doing trivial content and/or not taking much damage.


Self heals are great for solo play but in raid/BG’s etc it should be more about the healer healing the tanks and not the tank self healing.

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I enjoy tanks that can be somewhat self sufficient.

What a weird take. The role is literally called “Healer”…

It’s the same concept as tanks bailing on groups at low levels because the dps just run around pulling everything in sight and mowing it all down with no regard for the tank’s existence. I think for a lot of people it’s just not fun to feel pointless for the majority of a run, even if the run succeeds.

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Have you healed a guardian druid this season?

In the case of druids their “healing” is mitigation in the form of an absorb shield. Almost a third to half my healing comes from Ursoc’s Fury.

Its not a matter of having an ego, after all I don’t see many if any tanks going haha I beat you in healing. Instead its understanding your class and incoming tank damage to the point where you know you are not going to need heals.

In anything under a 18 - 19 the healer doesn’t need to heal me. The healer focusing on me is a waste of his resources if others are taking damage or a waste of GCD’s that could be spent on dps if everyone is good.

I’ve had runs where I see the healer panic because I’m at 30% health not knowing that I’m still perfectly safe. I can pop frenzied regen and renewal and be right back to 100%. And honestly I can understand why because there are a lot of tanks that don’t use mitigation and do end up needing to be healed a lot.

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LOL, I mean the guy above you probably is talking out of ignorance, but you is 100% lying, there is no possibility that you don’t know that your statement is false. Just enjoy lying I guess? Weird, but you do you.

At one point the game was like that. We had healers organized by tank healers and raid healers. Dungeons designed to do less damage so any healer could manage. Yeah back when the game was designed better. I think around the poorly made entrance of M+ as MoP ended and WoD ruined a sh^t ton of things in the game. Including defensive oriented gear for tanks turning them into glorified dps that have aggro is when things went down the sh*tter. Come play classic instead.

Retails been trash for years other than legion being alright ish.

As we all know, Serivahn is the arbiter of what is and is not good game design. If you think you can do it better, you’re welcome to make the next WoW killer. I like it as it is. The game is fun, and it feels great.

we all know it is but tanks hate to see this issue…
so why they reply crazy everywhere and worry what if blizzard consider “Nerf” lol

You didn’t say “MOO!” after that post. I was about to ask if you always do that after having read through this whole thread, but clearly the answer is no :frowning:

Haven’t read the hundreds of comments but I’ve read some of the first few. Some of these comments are just plain stupid.

Healers ARE supposed to just sit there and heal. I think it’s absolutely ridiculous to allow healers to do dps, let alone expect them to. I think it’s bad game design to allow all or most dmg to be avoidable.

I fully agree with OP. The way things are going now we won’t have the holy trinity of MMOs anymore. The trinity of Dps, Tank, and Healer is a large part of why I play WoW. Every class and player will be able to do anything and everything. Might as well just turn retail into Ascension WoW.

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