"Tanks Have it Too Easy in Torghast" They Said

That caster has a relatively short range about 20 yards. And it is NOT a 1.1 second cast. It is a 3 second cast and every time it’s successful he casts 10% faster. This means with a melee if you are smart enough not to interrupt the other things you will have your interrupt back by the end of the 2nd cast at most. Using storm bolt as well means you’ll never take 2 hits in a row.

Impending victory should easily heal you thru that but get defensive animas if you need them.

It’s not that you could just do it easier. It’s that Blizzard scaled it down too much for them. You were at the kids table.

‘Bro why can’t I clear it in the first day on 184 gear, this content is trash’.

But to some degree I understand it because ultimately it’s a FOMO in regards to legendary progression even though the last floors aren’t exactly giving a chunk more soul ash.


sure it is buddy

It’s the opposite. Blizzard specifically made Torghast easier for tanks and healers and they went too far. It was a cake walk. Now it’s appropriately difficult as it should be.

yea, floor 3 is plenty to keep up on ash frankly, at least for most people not actively doing super high end content like mythic raiding, +15s, or 2400 pvp

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Maybe it’s different for ranged, or maybe you cropped out the slower casts before that, but the fact remains it’s a lock out spell. Interrupt and she can’t cast it again. If you’re wasting your interrupts on other things that’s on you.

Oof I certainly have faith most people here should be able to do up to 6…

But fair enough after that.

Blizzard didn’t want Torghast or the Maw to be fun. They wanted you to feel like you were in Hell. Everytime that anyone has a less than miserable time, it needs to be hotfixed to bring it into alignment with their vision.

i did 7, snoozed thru it… def need to dps and use CD’s and mobs will overwhelm you if you dont kill before they get to many stacks but nothing that was to hard.

Is it, though? I ran on my HPriest (186) with our main tank PPally (191) for floor 7 last night. We were never in danger.

So. Very. Tedious.

Was it slower? The PPally certainly said it was. For me, the pace was what I had been experiencing all along as Holy. But the point is: neither of us were engaged at any time with the content. We just were fulfilling our weekly duties. Didn’t feel fun, took forever, and we walked away from it wondering what the heck is Blizzard thinking.

Tonight or tomorrow we’re going to add a dps and see if that makes the whole thing more tolerable.

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Im probably going to get my leggo to t2, then ya, im done with torghast lol

I didn’t crop anything out and they recast immediately after an interrupt. This spell is equivalent to their auto attack. I know how mechanics work and I don’t cry about stuff that is within my power to overcome. This fight is equivalent of going against a red skull enemy from back in the day. It isn’t frustrating because it’s hard, it’s frustrating because there is nothing in my kit as a warrior to allow me a chance at winning.

So don’t do it as tank or healer then. If you have no chance of death then of course you’re bored.

you arn’t wrong… however… she is only locked out of it for a few seconds at most… then back to casting it over and over

I know… because I BARELY beat her on my DH, and it absolutely decimated by gaurdian druid… who has a stun, disorient and interupt along with frenzy regen and ironfur… got her to maybe half health before the casts overwhelmed me and I had nothing left to answer with

No they don’t I know that for a fact because I killed 4 of them last night. You interrupt the cast and they do a rotation of other abilities then start chain gunning that until you stop them. A fear isn’t an interrupt but you can let them stay feared while your interrupt comes back.

The fact I did it with a RANGED interrupt should tell you you’re doing something wrong.

almost like you had a pet tank the hits for you that could chain heal with blood funnel… weird

You think I can health funnel thru that damage? Have you ever even see a warlock pet?

I did it with interrupt fear… wait 5 seconds. Repeat.

a fear… you can spam… come back when you’ve done it as a warrior, rofl

Dear god are you even trying? I cast one fear and don’t break it so I can wait for my cd to come back. For 5 seconds. His interrupt cd is HALF mine.