"Tanks Have it Too Easy in Torghast" They Said

Neither do the DPS for that matter. They need to nerf floor bosses across the board.

2/3 chars got their first 190 stat stick lol.

I just have to do number 3 who is around 800 ash.

Then I go to story mode. Like 1 has the free Jaina coming up. and the other 2 have to do their hopefully easy layer 1 clear to see that same quest after I get the items form the floor brokers.

Only one I’m really going to focus on is twisted corridors for that mount lol.

If Blizzard was a decent company, every one of these false flaggers would be permanently banned from the forum.

Oh and BTW i love Torghast, it’s like the Mage Tower but not totally scripted.

How’s that for Blizzard toady?

Not to mention that the lower layers give more Soul Ash so one does not have to really do the higher layers as Torghast gives less Soul Ash the higher the layer.

Pretty sure the answer is, they don’t.

Not all tanks have it easier. Apparently Monk, Warrior tanks have it a lot rougher.

That is because the tuning on a spec by spec basis is absolutely horrible in Torghast. In fact it is worse tuning that in Horrific Visions. I really have found it difficult to comprehend how the could have actually come up with something worse than those.

They shouldn’t adjust any content to make it harder for tanks and healers. If they can do something easier it should just be a perk of the class the same way racials are a perk of the race, mobility is a perk of DHs and Druids, being able to get out of combat is a perk of Rogues, water walking is a perk of DKs and Shaman, etc.

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LOL, nope.

Why the heck was this flagged, you are right

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WENT FROM he says!

Hay Myrtle!! Myrtle! Get a load o’ dis guy ovah heeah! `E taut Torghast was fun! At ANY time!!

I know I know! It’s crazy! Ha ha ha… sigh.

Well, I gotta get back to dinner, just thought you’d get a kick out of that.


Because folks just assume everyone who goes against their opinion is a troll, an alt, or someone out to get them. It’s ridiculous.

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I agree. Making the game artificially more difficult to punish some classes or specs is a flawed decision. Especially with the qualifier that the punishment will be less when playing in a group.

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I just did level 5 last night. Because last week I struggled so I geared up a bit. Now I was able to overcome it. I personally have been really enjoying torgast. I like group play but I also enjoy solo content to.

NO FUN ALLOWED! This is sadly the downfall of torghast… instead of making torghast more fun they killed it. =/

Glad you’re enjoying the content! Don’t let the GD forum trolls get you down, they seem to flag anyone that doesn’t agree with their Echo Chamber views.

They probably still have it easier.

Think they just made it harder for everyone.

Probably looked at some numbers group thunk themselves into a panic over how quickly people were getting ash.

Correct. Tanks/healers got double-shafted, and everyone else got the shaft as well.

  • [ With regional restarts ] Enemy health and damage increased on floors 2, 4, and 5.
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con·jec·ture - noun

  1. an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information.

You keep parroting your lines as if they were factual so I’ll keep reminding you that, unless you are a dev on the inside and have access to the actual player data, you are merely stating your opinion.