"Tanks Have it Too Easy in Torghast" They Said

I am not new to these forums. If you have him on ignore, that says a LOT more about you than him.


If you click your picture in the upper right, click the cogwheel, then click preferences. The click User in the left column of options, then click +Add. Start typing in his name and his name-server character will show up in the list. You can ignore him.


Cool, I said these threads, not forums. Try again.

Agree 100%. Add a mechanic… avoid things, run away from the boss at some point… They take the cheap, quick, and easy route always.

Folks are overly sensitive that you don’t blindly agree with them, notice how all their arguments fell apart and all they can do is ignore me or try to silence me by false flagging.

Okay - I am not new to these THREADS. If you have him on ignore, that says a LOT more about you than him.

That’s what the folks who play roguelikes seem to think is fun based on GD. :man_shrugging:

Not my difficulty spike, I do Torghast in a group. You’re taunting the wrong person, here.

I’m just saying that it seems off that Blizzard goes immediately to nerfing player abilities instead of simply tweaking external sources of power, like anima powers.

Do they want to encourage less people to tank and heal? Because that’s what doing blanket nerfs to tanks and healers does.

It says that I get tired of seeing the same thing in every single Torghast thread he posts in? Great assessment!

Another one for the list. Toodles.

Eh everyone’s allowed to have an opinion, but Tupac seemingly always takes the other side, in a very combative way, no matter what the issue is. If he actually believed what he said, and compromised with issues other players have, he’d be taken slightly more seriously. But when he comes into threads constantly just to non-stop argue, it does get tiresome, and his opinion loses its value, even when might have a valid point

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You just said “DPS players decided to complain about the tanks having an easier time in Torghast instead of saying they needed to make it easier for DPS to solo it.”… like it’s somehow our fault Blizzard made these changes.

All I’m saying is, I assure you, it’s not. Blizzard ignores DPS players just as well as Tank ones.

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I’m 190, cleared all 5 floors of level 7, then got to an impossible-to-solo final boss. It definitely needs to be tweaked.

I also think that torghast is not fun because it takes too long and there are not any rewards besides soul ash. If it is just for soul ash, why not make it a long dungeon where you get these super OP abilities and blow crap up. Sounds more fun to me then a tedious slow grind with little to no reward based mostly on RNG…

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I so dread doing this thing.

Never said the DPS players caused the change. I said they complained about the wrong thing, and they did. Ultimately Blizzard is gonna do what they’re gonna do, and it’s usually gonna be the easiest thing to do rather than the best thing.

But you are kidding yourself if you don’t think the squeaky wheel gets the grease in this game. That was my point.

This is exactly what my thread looks like as well. The guy is a troll and he loves his audience. I stopped feeding it and seeing it and my threads are tupac free. You too can get this amazing deal, for free! :wink:


Yup Blizzard loves to make me hate their content. It had much promise but quickly went into the dumps. Long live alt f4 lol

looks on the front page of the WoW Forums

Welp, this wheels lookin’ mighty squeaky… if your right, Torghast Level 8 should be soloable by Grandma by tomorrow at this rate.

Careful, someone will say you’re a disgusting or intolerant person because you use a forum’s features.

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You can choose to ignore me or false flag me, but my posts will always get restored because I have said nothing wrong. Folks just get sensitive when you tell them the truth, and the truth is that this time around there’s actually challenging content and it requires a bit of gear and skill. They even gave you most of the dust in lower layers which is not a challenge at all, yet people still complain :roll_eyes:


TBF, most people have probably already stopped doing it after getting their BiS legendary.

going from 190-235 (t1-t4) is negligible dps gains