Tanks aren't welcome in this company's games. THANKS FOR THE NERF I GUESS?

At this point, you should be able to do much, much, much better at playing the victim.

Can only guess–no views?

we’re still imagining things? how boring.

Thought you, the genuine new player, quit?

As a new player i find you calling out the fact that this persons been threatening to quit for over a year rather toxic. i’m a new player. listen to me. i’m a new player.

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Lucky you

Hey Preheat, block me too please.

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From other tank perspectives this was sucky cause it was another reason why you don’t get picked, if it’s true it’s clearly unintentional, I can understand your sentiment but my god with the amount of trash you’re posting YOU :clap: SOUND :clap: PRETENTIOUS.

No one actually quits.

I’m a paladin tank, so I’m ok w DH getting nerfed. They make up like 60% of the total pop

When you are not?



You were saying?


I dont remember, and I dont want to check honestly, but no not a big channel if I remember correctly.

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Please just quit already you annoying asf homie

This is one of your threads from 13 days ago, talking about how much better FF14 does then WoW. :point_down:


Anyone else just hop into these threads now just to see what combo of phrases and words OP is going to use to degrade themselves?

I thought you were going to quit? Your trolling is really low brow and it feels like you’re trying way too hard.