Tanks aren't welcome in this company's games. THANKS FOR THE NERF I GUESS?

I hate being a player of this game and treated as subhuman because I didn’t pick freaking fire mage or boomkin.

Imagine nerfing the only viable tank in this mess of a game. M+? Yeah that’s a whole lot of crock that a tank’s ability to tank isn’t ONLY just knowing all the packs, where prideful spawns, managing tank busters, managing packs, keeping things AOEd down, cooldown management… ontop of regular mechanics from trash/bosses oh and contributing high damage. Let’s not forget that either.

But ALSO kiting mobs.

Too bad, get NERFED tanks. You’re not allowed to have fun or feel good in this game.

Imagine a game where the value of a tank isn’t in it’s ability to run away. :sunflower:

But this isn’t a new thing. This company seems to hate ALL tanks.

Overwatch for instance?

Yeah there is a reason they literally give you a free lootbox every single day for playing that horrific role.

Because NERF NERF NERF NERF NERF NERF NERF NERF NERF. That’s all this company knows how to do towards tanks and healers.

Now at ALL TIMES OF THE DAY EVERY DAY in Overwatch you literally need to offer people in BOTH QUICKPLAY AND COMPETITIVE MODES a lootbox for playing tank. LMAO.

Yeah that’s how bad ya’ll made tanks feel. Imaginethat. Literally needing to pay players to play that freaking role.

That should speak VOLUMES on this wack “approach” to “balancing”.

All tanks get the “mistweaver monk” treatment. I see exactly what your balance philosophy towards tanks is. Oh I see it.

I hate being a player of this game and treated as subhuman because I didn’t pick freaking fire mage or boomkin.


The haven’t nerfed them yet…someone just wrote an article about the bug they found

We have to wait and see how Blizz handles it


Glad to see you’re still here and haven’t quit



I’m sure all the WW monks discluded from groups and MM hunters are thrilled about their 9.0.5 bugfixes.

Now all hunter specs are literally bottom tier from a “bugfix” where their middle of the DPS meters MM spec was “bugfixed”.

The :clap: bug :clap: is :clap: the :clap: feature :clap:

in these cases.


That’s the cycle of the game. Classes move up and down the DPS chart all the time.

Did it suck, sure…but this cycle has repeated itself since the game was launched

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imagine trying to defend and get angry over a bug that gave a spec an unfair advantage over others…


Did you even read my post?

I’m outraged at the entire state of tanks. And not even just in WoW in Overwatch too. We’re treated as second class citizens because we picked tank role.

Open up Sigma mains from Overwatch and see how happy we’ve been since our shield takes 2.5 seconds in a FPS game to redeploy (aka almost forever).

Second class citizen treatment because we picked the wrong role.

It’s outrageous. They don’t care how clunky or unfun they make the gameplay. Nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf. Gut this gut that. It’s HORRIBLE to be a tank in any of this company’s games.

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Lol tanks don’t need to kite outside like 2 pulls and necrotic until like 18s

Also, all tanks are completely viable for most content. Warriors have been doing keys above 20 for awhile


“I want Illidan I am legit saying I want Illidan like my fire mage main…”

So are you switching to fire mage or not? Sounds like you should be all set.

You were going to play a boomkin before that too if I remember correctly.


been like this since vanilla… just look at classic, tanks are 2nd class citizens there as well. MMORPGs in general, tanks are favored less compared to dps and healers. Usually the one to get the blame for everything that goes wrong, even if the hunter pulled.

Tanks aren’t made for beta players to play, hence the whole macho alpha male persona that surrounds the main tanking classes (i.e. warrior), people who have too large of an ego to care about being regardless as a “second class citizen” as they know they are the best if they are the best.

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Imagine being this bad at being a troll on Sunday.

Everyone take a shot, it’s just another bad preheat thread.


Wait, haven’t you quit like 4 times in the last month? I mean if you hate this game so much, why don’t you just finally quit for real and find on you will enjoy?

Oh wait, I forgot. You are a troll…


Sometimes I wonder… do we have a celebrity playing WoW and they haven’t let us know?
The way Preheat flies in these… rants. The emotion, the anger, the… blood pressure up, sweat pouring off the forehead, rage…

Alex Jones… is that you?


Why are you still playing this game, you said you had enough


So I thought that you quit?


I dont believe you actually the game.

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Ya I don’t agree with tank nerfs. It’s a stressful and often times unrewarding role. I’d rather have people fight over who gets to tank because it’s easy than sit in LFG for 10 minutes trying to find a tank because nobody wants to do it

It wouldn’t be Sunday without a Preheat rant.

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What tank do you play in wow? I thought you only had heals/dps

Imagine crying about Overwatch on WoW forums. Do you cry about WoW on Overwatch forums too?

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