Tanks aren't welcome in this company's games. THANKS FOR THE NERF I GUESS?

Maybe stop letting randos on the internet tell you what they think you need to play and instead play what you like. If you don’t like any class than maybe you have outgrown your enjoyment of the game and should try something else? Your mental health is 90% your responsibility

My favorite is when they flip out for the wrong reasons over something that has happened.

He’s a 1 hp raid boss that has 2 mechanics… Temper Tamtrum and 1 second enrage. Ultimately harmless because he has 1 hp… but extremely annoying.


Yup, on top of dealing with poor scaling we now face the fact that our damage was good because of bugs, it’s not technically bad right now its just a little lower, but now I literally have pugs avoiding WW for it. Thank god I have KSM already…


So many people personally attacking me.

You’re all really making me feel so intensely uncomfortable right now. I don’t deserve this level of hatred and animosity just because I speak my mind as a gay player of this game.

Sorry you’re just genuinely making me feel very uncomfortable right now with this level of hatred. I can’t deal with this-- I feel so uncomfortable right now.

I’m sorry you choose to be this way, I have no choice but to block. I feel so uncomfortable right now.

Does it bother you that you’ve been telling us your orientation for months but no one has had a problem with it?

Early on, I wondered if you were throwing it in there too bait homophobes, but no one ever objected. Everyone’s been OK with it and never used it as a weapon to argue with you.

Now it’s just extremely obvious. You’re actually trying to get people to attack you so you can claim you’re the victim.


you reap what you sow.

also - didn’t you quit? like… 17 times?


Are you joking me? As someone who has been gay my entire life homophobes in 2021 will ALMOST NEVER outright say why they are hating on you. Because now they know it’s okay to “criticize” you for random things so long as they don’t directly bring up it’s your sexuality they hate.

Nothing I’ve posted warrants this level of hatred, vitriol and cruelty.

People label me as a troll and I am amazed-- why? Because I don’t agree with others? That apparently makes me a troll.

That makes no sense at all. I make long constructive detailed posts. Yet I’m a troll?


It’s clearly homophobia masked as “anti trolling”.

Cause I am sure as heck not trolling.

Did you, or did you not, make multiple posts in which you declared you were quitting and going back to FFXIV?


FFXIV? What the-- why are you people thinking FFXIV?
I’m playing ESO lately and WoW a lot. FFXIV?

Ya’ll… what? Are you confusing me with someone else?

right. so, you’re trolling.

got it.


it took 5 months for ppl to notice… cant be that much of a big deal :wink:

that black top is amazing!

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Apparently because I’m confused on what ya’ll are saying that makes me a troll.


Not homophobia ? Okay… You’re really making me feel so intensely uncomfortable right now. I don’t deserve this level of hatred and animosity just because I speak my mind as a gay player of this game.

Sorry you’re just genuinely making me feel very uncomfortable right now with this level of hatred. I can’t deal with this-- I feel so uncomfortable right now.

I’m sorry you choose to be this way, I have no choice but to block. I feel so uncomfortable right now.

“You’re making me so uncomfortable, so hateful etc etc etc”
Yeah. You said that about a hundred times already in your previous threads. Your “FF14 is better than WoW!” threads, and your dozens of “I’m quitting!” threads. But you keep coming back knowing full well people are aware of your trolling schtick. Even with your vast multitudes of alts, you can’t change your behavior.


Go be uncomfortable somewhere else please.

See, I’m the first person to mention it and now you go off on how persecuted you are. I never used it in a negative way, or said anything mean to you about it but you used it as an opportunity to claim you’re attacked for being gay.

I’m sure those in the lgbt community would be annoyed at this.


Preheat be having the Old Gods whispers.

i sleep


Hes already tried YouTube.

What was wrong with Legion tanking, again?

You know, where tanks could take hits without needing to run away except on the absolute most ridiculously high keys during the most ridiculously insane pulls?

Why did we make tanks so flimsy, again?