Tanks are already salty

Real tanks will still tank.

Helldivers 2 and Sony.

They pulled some MASSIVE crap (worse than this bullcrap in WoW), people review bombed it, people quit in droves, and Sony stock took a hit (albeit small), but a hit.

Guess what? Sony stopped the nonsense.

When you take a game that is OLD AS DIRT like WoW, and is already struggling to keep players, and then you just… make it WORSE? Yeah. I hope people quit in droves, leave their reasons why, someone as MS (because Blizz is clueless) with some power course corrects.

Its a pipe dream, but I can hope.

Making tanking less fun is not the answer to this games problems. Have you played on the beta? Have you experienced the hilarity that is M+ one shots and mob backs that require over 100 interrupts before the end of the dungeon to prevent wipes. Healers are already taxed to hell and back, and Blizz goes “lets just nerf tank sustain so that healers have to heal tanks more.” Neat. Now the DPS are just going to die. Healers are going to switch from full time DPS healing to 50%+ tank healing, and dps are just going to die.

Coordinated groups will probably be just fine.

New players and those trying to work their way up in pugs are just going to be steamrolled by this.

So, again, yes, I hope people quit in droves over this one specific change to the game.


What a dumb take.

“I love this restaurant. It doesn’t matter that instead of food they started serving dog crap to me. REAL CUSTOMERS will still shell out time and money to this place.”


To me this is making the game better. I feel like the Tank POV and the Healer POV for this issue are quite different.

So M+ is open on beta and current rotation and talent setup MW uses right now hasn’t changed outside of picking new Hero Talents?

There will be even less spots for DPS now.
every M+ will have:
Tank, Healer and Augmentation.
2 DPS slots.

:joy: :rofl:


No more spare word of glory for dps players :slight_smile:

You definitely were born yesterday, and there’s a sucker born every minute.
I literally just told you how we changed the game for the better and you’re pretending reality didn’t happen. Very modern obedient consumer of you.

again, yes. You’re welcome.

maybe just dont stand in the fire then

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Blizz knows a good chunk of people have already bought the expansion, so they’ll probably stick around for a few months at least.

Yeah that doesn’t work either as some classes (warlock) are tankier and more self sustaining that other classes (hunter) all you would achieve with idea is exasperating that issue even further.

You are the expert in this field.

Edit: Your analogy sucks btw.

The crap they started serving is the recent tank not being reliant on the rest of the group. You got to the restaurant after it went bad and thought it was good. You are clueless. Your in game experience is bad too. Maybe talk about something that you are familiar with?

Something tells me that he is used to being wrong.

Yeah they already did that. The goal here is to take away any agency for playing tank, which I imagine they will succeed at.

Nothing to get worked up over as the changes are still coming in. Recent announcement of 75% reduction in all tank dps abilities and revamp of defensives still being enhanced.

Max broke his headset by flinging it into a wall and slammed his head on his keyboard in response to the changes

i’m not a psychologist, but he doesn’t appear to be impressed


Oh good, I hope he bring the whole building down. And I do hope these tanks changes will make more of them upset.

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More than tanks are gonna be salty when they are sitting in Dornogal waiting in queue. Blizzards first priority should always be fun, and this misses the mark by a mile.