Tanks are already salty

Is that the fix you want? People just quitting the game? Myself even if I switched to dps. It’s pretty bad right now, not many tanks or healers going around and these changes will give us less. I don’t think people quitting is going to benefit anyone, and especially not blizzard.


Correct. That’s a niche. That’s not a weakness though.

No tank should be self-sufficient.

I also wager it has something to do with trivializing delves otherwise.


Above a certain range, sure. Literally everything is viable in keys to a certain point.

Fwiw I wouldn’t play anything but fistweaver but I’ve had plenty of successful runs with caster monks.


were you born yesterday?

Of course people standing up for themselves and quitting would benefit the game because then blizz would actually make good decisions.

Like during the mass exodus to FFXIV, blizz made a tonne of ace-up-the-sleeve quality, evergreen changes to get people back into WoW that you enjoy to this day including but not limited to uncapped aoe and Mage Tower return.

You’re welcome.

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All the DPS trolling the tanks right now, they will get their comeuppance.


People happy about this like OP are probably thinking that overgeared tanks won’t be able to pull everything in their normal/heroic dungeons, which - spoiler alert - won’t change at all.
As a tank main I will still have instaqueues and instainvites in groups, while salty dps will have to wait even more for tanks and healers.


Healers were already healing. The over abundance of AoE CC was the only thing allowing Healers to not Heal in highly skilled groups.

For everyone else, it’s been hell as it stands in DF. I put away my healer halfway through S1 because of this. Everything was just constant 100 to 10% health chunks even in like +10s (because the assumption is that everything is controlled and you dont HAVE to heal it)


Ya that’s a potential problem.

They will need to make kiting mechanics ineffective. Either move back to a more traditional Speed/Firepower/Armor trade off or do something like have mobs switch aggro to the next closest if the aggro holder moves out of range.

Which in turn might inspire some other degenerate strategies.

Might be a little late in the game to make such drastic changes. They seem to have lost the institutional knowledge not to make the same mistakes over and over.

The current state, which I find extremely un-fun, is probably the way it is to fight mass pulling and kiting as much as anything… mechanics overload.

There has to be some upper bound that keeps everyone from running dungeons like an end of season normal where you can probably pull two bosses and all their mobs into a single fight.


When DPS cry, nobody hears them.

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Or we can voice our displeasure and hope things can change without having to stop enjoying the game we all love. You’re thinking very small when you don’t need to. It’s not black and white at all. Most game developers would rather hear you than lose you.

Yeah it will. But that would be the first couple of weeks in a two-year expansion.

you’ve been lucky! most of the (fortunately very few) “caster monks” i see in pugs think being in melee range is actually bad. they usually finish the key with no kicks, no use of leg sweep, probably not even a rop. sub-10k dps overall. it’s truly sad to see.

We’re still going to pull the whole dungeon in Random Heroics and in the Timewalking dungeons.

It really only affects content that matters.
And if you play that, then you’ll be affected as well.

It is never fun to nerf tanks, you don’t want that.

You think you do, but you don’t.


You know who’s going to be salty, the dps that have to wait longer for tanks.


When DPS cry, an angel gets its wings.


OH NOES! You mean I have to rely on a healer? Hopefully i can take everything out. No offense to healers - a good one is worth a ton, but if everytime I ran and depended on a healer - i wouldn’t run any more. If a healer wsps me and sez they are new or they are leanrning - ok. But otherwise

And when a DPS dies, a pally got her wings


They should make all enemies in every dungeon snap to you instantly and perform a crushing blow if you are more than like 45 yards away

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I’m not bothered, it’s kinda like with Vanilla, BC and Wrath where tanks will take more damage and make healers far more valuable than they currently are.

Says the cry-baby Orc :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

For every in-combat mob that isn’t engaged in melee with you, you lose the benefit of one piece of gear, stats included, starting with shields and weapons.

(This is just getting evil now, but still fun.)

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