Tanks are already salty

Oh well.

Max from Limit is the only person in the game who’s actually “pay to win”, since he pays cash salaries to other people to play the game for him.

Or, rather, it WOULD be “pay to win” if they actually… ya know… won.

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This all just depends on how the dungeons and raids are tuned.

One thing is for sure, tanks and heals will be in high demand in keys even more. Who knows maybe pending tuning this actually becomes a good thing, they already paired the self sustain with buffs to passive defensives. Let’s just wait and see. As long as guilds are clearing mythic raids and max vault level keys are being done by similar population numbers then I really don’t see an issue

don’t make me get the newspaper roll, brewa

Well, we’ll find out next week.

You think they’ll massively nerf the tank damage in the last phase of Mythic Fyrrak?

(yeah, I don’t think they will, either)

Understandable. Any chance you know where I can find that clip?

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it’s in his tank yap live stream (yt), i forgot the timestamp
i’m sure twitch probably has a bunch of clips uploaded on his channel of it though


Much thanks.


I had a brief look at the changes just now. Do monks know roughly how we will fare with these changes? I always value your opinion cuz I don’t always understand the theory side.

I always thought brew required the most healing (in DF m+) so was confused (/s) on why we’d been included in another “some tanks don’t need healing so we’re nerfing all tanks” change again.

The armour buff sounds nice, as having 20%ish phys reduction always bothered me as a Tank (even if it was made up elsewhere). I was extremely jealous of dh having high armour, high parry, high hps, etc while monks had highs and lows…

Stagger buff looks delicious, but hps and yulon nerfs sound awful :frowning:

Idk. If it’s more active time healing but less dmg taken per second then it sounds OK… If it’s just more dmg taken and less self sustain then gg.

Monk requires the most external healing. DK requires the most healing but they do it all themselves.

Because players are stupid.

You can see it yourself in this and every other thread, people crying and moaning about how “tanks are immortal”. All tanks AREN’T immortal, some are.

But people on this forum can’t even count to 3 even using all of their fingers, so what could we expect.

And when Blizzard keeps seeing “tanks are too strong” they take it on faith. Why, I have no idea, but they do.

Blizzard went after our dodge, which is just lol. OH NOES what will we do without more RNG. :partying_face:

But saying Brewmasters take too much magic damage, then nerfing our primary magic mitigation (Yulon’s Grace) by 2/3, makes zero sense.


Also the patch notes are hilarious, in pointing out the devs’ stupidity.

  • Staggering Strikes healing reduced by 28%.

Staggering Strikes isn’t even a heal. :joy:

I just saw that Pulverize got nerfed.


I think and I have to stress the word think. The idea is to move away damage from unavoidable aoe that breaks more brittle dps and put more onto the tank.

I can’t say how this will play out on live till we see the tuning in the content itself. My concern is that on average especially around mid level keys 6-8 tanks and healers are usually the weaker links and this might destabilize a lot of groups.

I can.

The encounter team won’t get the memo.

We’ve seen this MANY times before.


I kind of doubt that… its been a while since we had a true and honest tank buster boss. Biggest issue I see is trash in mythic plus.

Amirdrassil has “been a while”?

What boss was cracking tanks there? Im not counting abilities but just stressed them with raw damage?


(Smolderon when you have to run out with the bomb is no joke, either, perfectly capable of killing a tank unless planned for.)

I think we will have to agree to disagree. A mechanic downing a tank isn’t the same. Can’t comment on fyrrak ive been away from work and killed him after nerfs

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Seems like a lot of DPS players official “role” will be: “Waiting in queue for a tank”

Do you really, really think there will be more or less people willing to play tank in TWW ?

The only people who seem happy are those who still think Halls of Infusion on a +5 is too hard.


Its going to vary by content. tanks will still need gear. They need those dopamine hits like we all do.

classic Anti rdfe’ers warned of doom coming to the DPS players too. you all will still wait for hours!

Yeah…I cna’t complain about the dps wait times at all. and I’ve seen tanks with bad skills and/or attitudes dropped. their replacements came quick.

tanks still need gear too. many will still come. Just like a dreaded tankshortage was predicted for RDF. on its release, and its rerelease in classis.

they’d need to touch up raider io too. Wow is like that with the player base. You are only as good as your latest stat. what you did 4 weeks ago was well…4 weeks ago.