Tanks are already salty

Doesn’t infinite scaling mean this has to happen eventually?

It’s core to mythic+.

How can an unavoidable attack never deal threatening damage despite infinite scaling increasing its damage? In the old system 30s were something like 1000% more damage.

Key word eventually. Not far before the timer is a thought.

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Enjoy your queue times i guess


“Tanks are already salty”

Already? This would imply there was a time that they weren’t.


We used to have cries about the timers, those have been more absent recently.

Cutting timers by 30% is an option for sure, keys cap out at lower levels, everyone is happy?

Tanks and healers crying is fundamental to any trinity based game.


Because dps never cry?


The only people crying about timers don’t understand it’s the secret sauce to M+. I can get owned in any mmo. I can kill mobs in any mmo. Literally it’s the only thing keeping M+ special. Take away the timers and it doesn’t matter what MMO you’re playing dungeons in anymore.

Sounds a little boring cause more levels = more progression, but sure if it means I don’t have to stop 99% of everything coming at me or have a defensive or external perfectly coordinated even in like a +4. Have you not played beta? There’s spam casts that if the kick is missed its taking like 80% of your hp.

You’re right, I should make it be all players.

The forums are nonstop crying from everyone (equally?)


Idk about equally, pretty sure i see dps cry more :rofl: kidding of course, but yeah all types of players cry(complain) justified or not.

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where are these hot fixes posted at? only thing i see is July 3rd

Yes, it’s pretty common honestly, even in WoW for half a decade now two tank specs have not needed a healer at all. It’s why some of us choose to play those specs. There’s also entire healer specs dedicated to doing damage. If your disc priest needs to penance the tank before an aoe goes our, gg your key is bricked most likely. (not quite that dramatic if the group is decent)

Try moving on from the F@#$ing game at this point.

Myzrym, you ever tried playing those roles?

I suspect not.

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Well you’d be wrong.

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You are very wrong. Fistweaving is the only viable option in M+.


I still have nightmares from that season, and it’s the exact reason I now keep a vdh on my character screen.

Blue Tracker on Wowhead.

I’m open to this change so long as spiky damage goes down. Hopefully that’s part of their ‘iterations’ they’re promising will happen. Queue the copium huffing

Mean-spirited forum troll who’s not very good at WoW has mean-spirited things to say again about his/her betters. Nobody is surprised. :yawning_face: