Tanks are already salty

There were many discussions before about how the healer role was completely outdated and should be replaced with another dps in mythic+.

Something NEEDED to be done so that healers were continuing to be useful in mythic+, otherwise what’s the point of healer when DPS are so sturdy they can defensive their way out of so many things like mage? Spot heal like ret/druid/spriest? Bring group defensives like aug?

Also the healing of some tanks like BDK was completely out there… outhealing healers regularly and pretty much not needing a wink of help to stay alive.

I’m looking at Mythic Fyrrak last phase for the next few weeks and thinking… :confused:


How to get healing right? Slow, pulsing rot damage throughout almost the entire dungeon. Then give all healers ways to easily deal with that like prayer of mending, or disc/mw style slow aoe healing from the regular damage rotation. No more spike damage, even fail damage. Scale outgoing damage linearly rather than exponentially in M+.

Tanks should not have to kite to be able to live melees. Tanks should get to do their role, too.


Fyrrak will also be awakened every week. Godspeed.

Dear salty tanks,

I am here if you need me. I don’t speak, I follow instructions and stab things. I wait for you to pull and get agro first and I generally kick spells I don’t like.

As per my name, I match well with salt.


Yeah, many tanks I’ve spoken to today, including myself are just moving on from the role entirely. I’ll perosnally explore other mmos to tank in and just go dps in wow now.


Hey at least some people will be happy with their ques even longer :smiley: ESO has some very fun tanking IMO, i like to do a vampire dragon knight/vampire warden there.


Fwiw this is an irrelevant change to anything but m+ and raids, more so the mid-high tier keys.

Misdirect may be at a premium depending on how badly they drop the ball on this.

Also, this isn’t going to lead to parity. Tank kits don’t all function the same. They will almost assuredly lead to a reduction in tank self heals in conjunction with mitigation otherwise BDK and VDH get their cake and eat it too.


you know, it’s weird. none of those discussions ever seemed to be started by people who were actually running push keys without a healer. it was always just “i saw FamousGuy do it with 4 of his r1 friends in comms!!”

i’ve never once been healed by a bdk. what an odd observation.


You grew your hair out. I dig the new look

It’s inherent in the math of infinite scaling unless damage is tuned so low/tanks tuned so high they are invincible.

Mythic+ is about pulling as much as possible that the group can survive, be that tank survival or dps/healer survival or both. Kiting is/has always been an option to help tank survival.


Which is the reason the game has made tanking/healing simpler - you can’t heal/tank other people’s stupidity.

People are gonna start crying again, and the cycle will continue.

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I haven’t played a lot of MMOs, is it common in the rest of them for tanks to not need a healer in other trinity based MMOs?

of course, but there’s a big difference between “players doing +20s week two will need to kite to avoid being one-shot” and “players doing +6s for vault can’t stay alive without blowing all cds unless they kite”. i don’t think it’s obvious today which part of that spectrum the tuning will fall on :slight_smile:


My guess is keys up through where the rewards end will remain fairly trivial, in alignment with 8 years of mythic+.


That’s their secret, OP.

They are always salty.


And keys above that have never really been a balancing concern. Nor should they be.

We’re talking a range that 30% of 30% of players even bother with. So somewhere ~9% on the high estimate. Not the place you want to be looking to balance the game around.

I think ~9% would actually be the KSH numbers and not people pushing above that.

One of the best things to happen

WYM, dps have to have a defensive rotation like we’re tanks for spam abilities. Still massive work to do.


Depends on a lot of factors, and I’m not really hip to the current meta, but I don’t really play at high levels of content anyway so this is fine lol