Tanks are already salty

How are you going to approach Mythic Fyrrak in the last phase, next week?

These are some pretty heavy nerfs to what was a tank-buster fight.

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Trying to make tanks (although it was really just certain tanks) not invincible.

I approve of their philosophy but agree with the stance that it should have been implemented WAY earlier at the bare minimum.

Just taking the quick look, I take big issues with druids. It seems they are getting insanely gutted on the self heal front when they still have next to no magic/bleed mitigation and their only gimmick is to be an armor/HP sponge (which should have stronger self heals to counter that).

Also assuming Blizzard does what Blizzard next to always does and starts us off incredibly weak and/or dungeons too strong and thus the kite meta is back…half the tanks are already incredibly disadvantaged with their stupid bad mobility. Like in what world is a DK or pally going to compare to a VDH or monk?

Plus knowing the community, those early first weeks will establish far lasting impressions on “viability” (not to mention the early advantages players get in farming gear and IO score). GL getting into a pug weeks in once you’re class/spec is perceived as the “bad” tank and your competitors are getting into the better groups allowing for even more gear and score accumulation (the classic rich get richer problem).


I’m already not invincible. Which tanks are?

Nerf them.


this is a good example of “you think you want it, but you don’t”


I fully agree with you. I personally think they should playtest extensively internally to figure out the balance and only release a “finished” product to the customers.

Unfortunately, I guess that’s not really how games work these days.


This is the THIRD time in the last decade that Blizzard rushed out a “nerf all tanks” round of changes right before an expansion release.

Par for the course, for Blizzard.


You make healers prioritize healing more by making stuff do damage to the people who aren’t the tanks. Like, party-wide rot damage. Making tanks feel worse

Nobody wins with these changes.


Healers will need to work a bit harder as well. I think it’s a change that will bring us back to the basics and make all roles more important.


Monks almost did (they nerfed our dodge OH NOES), if they hadn’t also nerfed our main magic mitigation by 2/3 (Yu’lons Grace) while noting that Brewmasters take too much magic damage. :roll_eyes:

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don’t worry, they’ll buff one or two tanks way too much after a couple weeks of m+ data, then we’ll be right back where we are now :slight_smile:


In the meantime seeing tanks squirm a bit will be worth it.

Probably Prot Paladins, they make the most noise, consistently. I swear they have a union hall or something where they plan their PR campaigns.


“This didn’t go well the last three times, so let’s do it again!”

I feel like this is schadenfreude on their part.


Best part is the people out there who pug (such as yourself) will be right back here complaining “tanks/healers are so bad now” or “tank healer shortage”


Brew is the biggest loser imho, at least with the current tuning and kit. Puts a lot more sustained pressure on purifying brew.

Prot war was dumpster SL S1, so that’s unfortunate. Especially since our damage has to be terribad because we occasionally get to spell reflect something for our health pool. Solid design right there…

Dungeons with largely scripted routes or kill A to open B aren’t going to be impacted. Should be fine enough to balance around.

Open areas, DH get a big win. Pop your kit, get threat, yeet to safety. They can still pull like idiots - the entire SL S1 kit is still intact mechanically.

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Sorry, Blizzard apparently only cares about balancing tanks, not the balancing between tanks. :rofl:

People are going to be salty about being nerfed even if it leads to parity no matter what.

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Aww. It makes me sad when people CHEER for an entire set of players being nerfed.

Tanks aren’t going to start dying. Healers will just let DPS die to keep the tanks up. Everything will just SLOW DOWN.

With the new dungeons having literally 100+ REQUIRED interrupts, trash packs that are basically chain pulls of mini-bosses… I see nerfs like this leading to the death of pugging.

Oh well. Makes it easier not to buy the expansion!


Geared tanks are still going to run over heroic dungeons and timewalking, for those screeching the loudest this does nothing.

Sucks for those doing content where tanks could already die.