Tanks are already salty

Yeah and this won’t effect content that is that easy that tanks didn’t already need the rest of the group. Well, it will, but only for tanks who complained that heroic dungeons were rolling them, not the ones who could actually play their class well.


That won’t change.

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I shelved my healer for TWW I am so not going to go through another Cata situation where Blizz decides to make healing “interesting”.

Same, I was pugging with my heal quite some time, however with the M+ treadmil changes and the healing changes, heal gonna wait till next expansion or directioship change in WOW.

Overgeared tanks will still be mass pulling. It’s the ones who aren’t overgeared who will be hit hardest by this.

The queues will be even worse thanks to these changes you are supporting. Fewer tanks AND healers.


Guessing you never tanked before.


bad guess, friend. but your contribution to this thread is invaluable. Keep up the good work.

In before people complaining about the time it takes to find a tank/healer in a month. I plan to stubbornly keep playing guardian, but my morning is on double digit percentage of all current tank mains opting out of the tank nerfs.

My experience in normal dungeons is that if I don’t pull big as a tank, DPS will start pulling random things at best. Or they’ll just kick the tank, because they are not going as fast as they want.

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tightens my running shoes

Yep definitely ready to book it the moment the tank pulls too much and takes a dirt nap. Also focusing the healer to rescue grab them and take them with me to a safe distance.

I’m support so I support the healer and tank. Sorry fellow DPS you on your own! But I’ll use speed buffs to give you something. XD

I’ll still play bear. It won’t be fun for awhile yet again but its the only role I really care to play. I’ll just have to make sure I get 2.5K or higher by week 2 so that I stay ahead of the curve. I’ll also probably start networking healers who seem competent.

I can adapt to the changes as always but this change at least how its played out on the beta isn’t great. If they actually smoothed out the damage and made it sustained instead of bursty I don’t think I’d be as doomer about it. Until than though like Gir says Dooooom!

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Is anyone going to tell him about Holy Paladins, Restoration Druids, Mistweaver Monks, and Discipline Priests?

yep…if they’re going to adhere
to the antiquated tank/healer
paradigm, this is the right move.

I’m not the person incorrectly telling people that kiting has ALWAYS been part of tanking. You are showing a complete lack of knowledge about tanking and what you are saying is basically telling on yourself.

Yes, all of this. Yes.

agree, kiting meta is so un-immersive and not fun

wow hamster wheels need to stay immersive as much as possible

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dang, pro. you really caught me.

since the beginning of wow, tanking has always - always - involved some form of cc, kiting, and los. certainly in the dungeon environment.

in raids? sure there have been times when you plant your back against a wall and just stand there during the encounter. since we are apparently being pedantic today, there are obviously times in dungeon encounters where you do that too.

many, many tanking pros have talked at length about the prevalence of kiting in SL s1 and in other content. they have voiced their concerns of kiting returning in TWW as a basic tank strategy.

don’t pretend otherwise.

It was an easy to spot thing.

In one season. You need to play the game and then talk about it, not get mixed up trying to decipher how the game plays based on 4th hand accounts.

Mere backpedaling on your part.

Going around licking tanks is a easy way to get punched in the mouth or neck.

I have run nearly 1500 M+ dungeons in DF, primarily tanking. i have gotten 4 different tank classes to 2k+ rating throughout DF (and 2 healers and a couple of dps). the highest tank to 2.5k rating. not high by your standards and I am sure I do not have your skill, but I play the game.