Tanks are already salty

I agree. I’d rather have a tank that can look after themselves than one that needs to be babysat the entire run.


Odd this dude doesn’t realize that healers and dps do this, too.

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Good. Finally. Got yelled at for the upteenth time by a bear tank who pulled literally half the dungeon and died for “not healing” him when I was rooted in the first room. About time that tanking went back to situational awareness and smart pulls instead of mass pulling and leaving everyone behind because tanks are nearly unkillable.

He’s a troll. The best thing you can do is just quit the game like a bunch already have.

TWW is likely going to be fun… but I had to take a stand. Laugh all you want. I’m up to 12 accounts with 6 month subs cancelled. I feel honored that 11 people joined me in protest due to the tank changes.

Those of you mocking me, go for it! Just know, I was 3500 while ONLY PUGGING last season. I’m a better player than you. These changes are bad.

Enjoy your game. I’ll be back one MS realized Ion is a disaster, and either fires or frags him. Either is acceptable to me.

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The content you do is not affected.
Random Heroics and even Mythic 0, I can still pull the “the whole dungeon”.

This will impact Mythic+ more than anything.


I’m so impressed.

So I’m not permitted to have fun if you can’t find a way to enjoy yourself in the game? A lot of people have changed their playstyle and then later had to change it again to follow their fun.

If the only way for you to have fun is to make sure nobody else does, that’s really just your problem. I don’t care how much time or money you have invested in the game that has led you to believe that you are a superior human being to those who aren’t willing to devote their lives to competitive achievement that nobody outside of wow even gives a hot dang about.


I dunno, the M+ mindset has trickled down into casual content, so I’m hoping the new mindset will also trickle down. The fail tank I had the other night did this in a random heroic, by the way. My poor healer toon was level 15.

Edit: I meant a random normal.

Only max level toons can queue for heroic dungeons. Didn’t happen.


These changes are bad for you. The majority of players in this game are casual and enjoy the game in ways that sweaty players don’t. It’s about darn time that this game stopped catering to the minority of sweats players in this game. Like, no one cares that you are good at the time. It doesn’t even matter.

I stand corrected, it was a random normie dungeon. Sorry, I’m tired today.

The changes are bad for everyone, across the board. Tanks weaker means slower dungeons at the lowest end, healer being pushed towards the main point of failure for a tank death in the higher end, and an overall decrease in tank population from sweeping nerfs to them and decreased agency.


I prefer slower dungeons at the lowest and normal ends. A lot of people, especially casuals, have complained on GD in the past about tanks mass pulling in dungeons, as well as healers preferring not to hybrid DPS. It sounds like this is fixing what many players have consistently griped about, so I think this is very good for the game. The queues this expac have been awful because healers have had a lot of problems with the way healing has been this expac, so it seems good. I play Prot, Brew and RestoSham and support these changes.

Casual Cal getting the required skill floor raised for both tanks and healers is gonna have a way worse time than top tier players.

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Nah they will still continue to stand in the bad then blame the heals.


lol jokes on you less tanks and healers will want to pug so you will have to wait longer, others will quote switch to dps and your queue will be longer, or some tanks and healers will only tank and heal for guild coz of the change


Queue wait time will increase as well, hope it worth it too.
Interesting that I never saw DPS in my groups doing amazing high DPS and thought, MAN I WISH THAT PERSON GOT NERFED AND SQUIRM.
Why do you hate on anyone this way, that’s just cringe dude.


I still plan to tank M+. The change I will make is to run only with healers I know for the first few months and see what happens. If it’s fine I may pug more, but not initially. I probably pugged 90% of my keys in DF.

I’m not hating on anyone. I’m agreeing with a change that also happens to be making people unreasonably upset.

Queue times will be fine. Azeroth will continue spinning. Good tanks/players will adapt and overcome.

And the forum bonfires will burn out and be forgotten.

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that nerf has nothing to do with it, you still would be able to pull whole normal dungeon


My issue was tanks pulling tons and not knowing why their group died and they were still alive. They were playing a different game than the rest of the group.