Tanks are already salty

I’ve never seen a tank kicked for that, and I do a ton of heroics because I find them fun and relaxing. (and goody bag of course). I also tanked a bunch in beta and never got kicked for systematically pulling single and occasionally double groups. I had ONE complaint from a dps, whom I promptly ignored and continued on with my method, nothing interesting happened.

Not sure why our heroic experience is so different.

DPS and healers should also be a bit salty if they are pugging. Making the tank role more dependent on healers, especially if you pug into a weak healer and/or weaker tank will mean more groups disband.

While tanks in coordinated groups may have been too strong, this potentially shrinks the pug pool of tanks and/or healers.

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I play my Mistweaver Monk as a melee tank who occasionally tosses heals. Shrug

That’s cool, I don’t really do that myself though.

Don’t. Apparently, no one in my other thread approves

All of this doesn’t matter, stop telling people that kiting has always been a part of tanking when you are not sure. You made that up or heard it somewhere, don’t spread lies or disinformation.

Seems like the problem is some folks not understanding the difference between “always been a part of” and “SL S1 level of necessary.”

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Yeah I mean saying kiting has “always been part of tanking” is an outright lie or just ineptitude at play. I don’t know why someone would say something so foolish.

All this crying makes me want to tank.

Agreed as long as people don’t say healers weren’t needed in trinity style mmos. Thats utterly nonsense.

Most tanks I have seen other than myself just play as usual. Can barely notice any difference if you’re even a half capable player. So probably not as much salt in the diet as you would hope. Enjoy not just being a teleporting vending machine for once :stuck_out_tongue:

I can add to this, that kiting does not make tanking attractive.
Nobody wants to play a game and be in constant kiting. Meta or not meta this is very bad and it wil have adverse impact on experience.

been tanking since late 2009 on this toon, and I don’t recall kiting being a big play during most encounters. That’s a lot of time and I’m sure I’m missing instances where kiting was prevalent - it has always been a tool available to use, but it wasn’t until S1 Slands that it was expected/necessary.

We did kite during BIG pulls in BFA too - thinking ‘pull the beach’ in Tol Dagor and some other gnarly pulls (mobs dictated kiting, too, with the debuffs they could apply) - though I also recall running with boomkin druid and treants were bomb, helped with necrotic, too.

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