Tanks are already salty

Healing strats will have to be recalibrated a bit for these changes… :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

No tank/healer shortage can be forseen

what is annoying with blizzard is that they make the two less played roles to bicker with each other while we need more players to be introduced to these roles


Wym? Healers do strugle alot in higher keys already.

Following this logic, I think the play for maximum tank players to help queues is to just make them immune to death.

Bam, full agency of their survival, healers don’t need to worry about them, they can pull big which is fun. They will be very popular and that will help queue times and finding tanks for content.

According to Blizzard, “more players are enjoying playing tanks with their friends and in pick-up groups.” (Tank Tuning in The War Within)

Maybe Blizzard thought too many players were playing tanks so they had to curb their enthusiasm. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


"We heard you guys are having fun, so we are making some adjustments to counter this: "


Just can not wait for the complaints from DPS about tanks kiting and ruining their DPS windows.


Rewatched some shadowlands S1 footage to remind myself what it was like and ended up getting PTSD flashbacks.


Sweeping reductions to tank agency and what looks a lot like leaning towards SL S1 style of kiting can be forseen.

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I can’t wait to see the people cheering this change when they come to complain about how queue times have skyrocketed and finding a tank is harder than ever.


Nobody asked to be “immune” to death. Bad tanks are dying in low keys even now. I mean come on there are tanks who NEED healing in low keys even in bis gear. What do you think will happen to those players ?


Oh I fully plan to sign up for keys and put a note "I’ll tank your run for 300k :slight_smile: ". It’s also easy to see which ones have been waiting for a bit.


Just remember. It takes 3 seconds to replace a dps.

10+ minutes to replace a tank/healer.

Mobs doing more damage is going to hurt dps just as much if not more… you are replaceable if you do not know to get away from damaging abilities.

So the mobs aren’t doing more damage directly, they just made tanks less tanky. Your clothie friends will still be dying in two melee swings.

Arh, well, should have expected that I would get that wrong since I haven’t been a part of the dungeon-loot hamster wheel in ages.

The mobs are not really doing more damage, they even said they are reducing the “spikes” and moving more damage to the standard attacks. The change was to reduce tanks ability to mitigate and self heal it back. The only impact this may have upon DPS is if tanks need to kite around again, that or they just can’t hold aggro.

It’s going to be hilarious when the dps players come flooding the forums complaining that they’re not getting heals because the healer is spending too much time on the tank. (Who is more important than you.)

Can’t wait for it!


I can’t wait till the healers finally see why healing the team matters more when all DPS is dead.

I mean they’ll probably be complaining more about long wait times. Once they get into the dungeons it’ll be complaints about how difficult the content is.

Blizzard nerfing tanks is a bad call