Tanking services

I simply dont ever want to level again


That’s a shame. You could be pretty damn good in raids right now, but you could be a total boss if you knew how it felt to walk in the shoes of other classes.

But I do get it, Classic leveling takes a long time, and isn’t exactly engaging.

Pay a mage for power leveling funded by your tank services, ezpz

He also leveled a warrior… Slow af, and I’m sure it wasn’t fun.

Had this happen on my priest joined a group that agreed to let tank take all scourgestones and need all greens without telling me. Needless to say he got mad when i took stones and also needed. Told him to get bent. But tanks charging are scum.

Hey may, y u wearing all that CLOTH?

Do i really need to level and alt to know the concept of dps and healing?

Fashion is endgame. Looking good is what MMOs are about.

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That’s super smart! Next time a pally plate piece drops I’ll say

“Ima roll need for RP”

Points Proven:

You chose to tank as your role in an MMO: ✓

You get money by running dungeons: ✓

You get other benefits such as rep by running certain dungeons: ✓

You help reinforce problems in the community by charging: ✓

Mage Portals are nothing like tanking as a comparison: ✓

Players, who some day you might rely on for heals/dps/help may need to run dungeons in an MMO are bullied into paying tanks: ✓

I mean, the points are pretty well proven. I think what you meant to say, is:

I don’t like your points, and, I want to continue to charge for tanking - as is your right - but, I dislike that it makes me a terd, so therefore, I’m saying your points aren’t proven.

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Reminds me of Fashionframe.

Who cares what you do, if people are stupid or desperate enough to pay you then power to you. I’d never pay for a tank however.

Unless you’re charging guildies. Then you’re a douche.

Conceptual understanding isn’t the same as practical understanding. I would sooner take advise or orders from someone who has played my class than someone who has surface level knowledge of my class.

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It’s like the fashionsouls to dark souls.

As a tank. I’ll never get into groups if you try to be a spurg and request all the loot to sell. Might be able to request first orb from start, But all loot to sell HAH. Were not entitled as tanks to take all gear, give your head a shake.

Also if a tank ive seen charge wants in my group for free ill usually tell him to get lost.

”I’ll pay you 10g to join my group if you pay 10g to be in my group”

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Yeah, and charging for runs could have been his end goal. One more tank on the server, nothing wrong with that.

Not an amazing amount, and it’s his time. He gets to decide how much gold per hour he needs before he wants to run a dungeon he doesn’t ever have to step foot in again.

And if he doesn’t want the rep, or if he doesn’t run those dungeons?

Actually, this is an open market. Community runs it. You charge what people are willing to pay.

Not bullied, simply supply and demand. Aren’t many tanks, there’s a ton of dps and a good amount of heals. Of course we need incentive to get them to tank for us.
Why choose randoms over guild or friends?

Not really…

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Gunna just take a second for this post,

[quote=“Vartok-herod, post:150, topic:380480”]
If you’re doing it for a fee - you get a fee - and you are entitled to nothing else. That’s how a job works. [/quote]

You’re entitled to whatever is agreed upon, if you want a tank to pass on all the loot because you’re paying them, you need to make that clear with them, just be ready to pay a much larger fee (I charge 20% of vendor/market value for everything that drops as my additional fee for not taking loot)

I do enjoy tanking thanks. But enjoying something doesn’t mean I have to do it for free or for you.

Sure can! And I do those things if finding work is slow, but those things also don’t help the community in anyway, tanking for them does.

If I’m not making a flask, I don’t need to be in there. And I AM exalted with the argent dawn, so neither of those apply. I wouldn’t be charging to go make a flask anyway, I’d just be making a group with people who need it and running it (or paying dps/healers if I couldn’t find any but lets be real)

I’m helping the community by tanking for it rather than doing something selfish like AoE farming ZF/Cath on a new mage alt that I could make.


Points Proven:

You chose to tank as your role in an MMO: ✓

I chose the best DPS class in the game, in an MMO.

You get money by running dungeons: ✓

How much money do I get? Maybe the 8g I potentially get is not worth it to me, but the Righteous Orbs are? Because I get gold from running a dungeon doesn’t mean it’s worth my time to do so.

You get other benefits such as rep by running certain dungeons: ✓

You keep saying this, what you mean is Argent Dawn rep from ONE dungeon. Okay, but Naxx isn’t even out yet so this is not much of an incentive. Personally I reached Revered with Argent Dawn before I ever charged for a Tanking run. So… Rep doesn’t entice me bud.

You help reinforce problems in the community by charging: ✓

What problems? Offering a service for a fee? What world do you live in where this is a problem?

Mage Portals are nothing like tanking as a comparison: ✓

That was to illustrate how absurd it was to expect people to tank dungeons for you, for free just because they played a “Tank Class” without ever considering that that person had no interest in tanking for you in the first place.

Players, who some day you might rely on for heals/dps/help may need to run dungeons in an MMO are bullied into paying tanks: ✓

I don’t charge my friends. I suggest you get friendly with a few Warriors, it shouldn’t be hard being a Shaman and all.

I mean, the points are pretty well proven. I think what you meant to say, is:

I don’t like your points, and, I want to continue to charge for tanking - as is your right - but, I dislike that it makes me a terd, so therefore, I’m saying your points aren’t proven.

Tanks wouldn’t be charging if there wasn’t a demand for it. To me, it sounds like the best solution to the problem is for you to roll a tank and tank groups for free. Undercut the competition so to speak.

But you’d probably rather just play enhancement Shaman or something.

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