Tanking services

What are your opinions on offering tanking services?

Ive been trying to get into groups but apparently no-one understands that i wont do the same max-level dungeon that ive done 1000 times for free. The saying “time is money” applies here.

My conditions were that i take unwanted loot from boss drops, greens and potentially greys for tanking the run. I havent had much luck getting into groups and have been called names like “scummy” and “idiot” by people who were desperate for a tank.

Ive gotten mixed opinions from my guildies, and i wanted to read some more opinions.


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If the market is there then take advantage of it. I do suggest letting your group know right from the start what you expect.

I personally would not pay a tank for their services in a dungeon. If you don’t want to go without getting paid then that’s fine, I will find another tank.


Decent money if you can take the hate.

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If you’re advertising your service in LFG fine, most people will ignore it and someone who is willing to accept it can whisper you.

If YOU are whispering someone looking for a tank, then ya I can see them telling you to buzz off and call you an idiot lol.

I see tanks all the time advertising in my LFG, but I ignore them. But if one of them whispered me if I posted LF tank I would tell him to GTFO


Was just going to say this.
Make yourself known but don’t contact people who are looking. Those who are willing will come to you.

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Can you tell me why?

Because there are plenty of tanks out there who will do it for free? I’m patient enough to wait for one. And I have friend tanks who I can also just wait for them to log on later in the day to run the dungeon with. I’ll find something else to do while I wait.


I’ve found it to be rather scummy, but if you don’t need any drops at all from that specific dungeon then I can sorta understand that you get something out of your time investment, as it isn’t like helping a friend/guildie with a dungeon. Some tanks want to charge + still need upgrades from a place.

I literally dont need anything from any dungeons anymore :confused: (except for gold)

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It is fine. Just say it before the run. I sometimes whisper this to people looking for a tank:

“Hey, I am a very well-geared tank. I don’t need anything from the dungeon, can I take the first orb/thorium at the end/unwanted weapons (depending on the dungeon)? I’m up to running multiple times.”

Some people accept, some people refuse, I’ve literally never gotten a rude response, nor have I been called names.

But you will find out that if your server is in a dire tank shortage most paid tanking runs will begin with a random whisper from someone you don’t know. Even if you don’t advertise.


The thing is, i dont charge any gold. Just the items to vendor.

If you can help me farm my HoJ trinket, I really don’t care if you take the greens.

The oldest profession has always carried a stigma.


I watched a geared prot war kill a few fire elementals in ungoro yesterday. (I contemplated attacking him on my 55 lock but chickened out.) His time to kill was awful. I wouldn’t blame him for trying to sell tank services in trade chat.


That’s a little scummy.
Generally I won’t pay for a tank, but on rare occasions I have.

The generally accepted fees, at least on my server are. 5-10g for a tank, they greed everything.
11-20g, pass on BoP, greed on BoE
20g+ they pass on everything.

The tank needs to be raid geared and needs to hold aggro. No LVL 59-new 60 charging for crap tanking.

The party needs to recoup gold as well, and if something they need doesn’t drop, then it’s their time and gold they’ve lost to you, which is why reserving all non-BiS loot is a scum move


I guess ill just wait for when tanks are almost non-existent

Healer here, I say it’s perfectly fine. Let them know beforehand and you’re golden.
Tanks are the hardest slot to fill in a dungeon, and if you don’t need anything from it gear wise then hell yeah. Take the greens and whites/unneeded boss loot.

Thorium you’re going to have to share though, miner here. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Id never take anything but the agreed items

I won’t pay a tank for doing his job. I will mocke any tank that pretend to do it in chat. But if you find someone that pay you, good for you.


Your complaint is you don’t want to run something because theirs nothing in it for you. Fair enough.

But by charging all greens, your effectively pushing that onto 4 other players.
If they are farming a dungeon for something with a 6% drop rate, chances are they won’t get it, and not only that, now they can’t make gold off drops.
Set a price that you think is fair for your time, and charge it. If your good and it’s a reasonable price people will pay. If it’s to much or your to greedy, then you’ll get a lot less interested people.

It’s a lot easier to convince a group of 4 ppl to shell out 3-5g each, for a tank they’ve been waiting on for 30 min, than it is to convince them to give up all loot from the run