Tanking changes makes me not want to tank

Meh, it’ll probably be fine.

If anything I imagine healers will be the most upset that they might actually have to do something.

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Well they’re the ones who complained about needing to do too much for everyone else in the group, I’m sure the extra person to worry about will be great for them! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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They have until Season 1 which is 7 weeks away and they haven’t even started tuning Dungeons yet.

I mean, don’t you think that’s a bit of a concern, brother?

Lol, healers complain. In other news, water is wet. Just kidding (mostly).

Well I was already concerned about the Dungeon tuning before this so yeah. I’d be more concerned though if they had finished dungeon tuning and then made these changes.

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? saying I don’t play a healer to focus on dps makes me not a good player? I don’t understand your logic.

If someone wants to focus on dps, they would play… dps.

Not play a healer who at best can match maybe 30% of a dpser’s output under normal circumstances.

Healers are not remotely balanced dps wise either.

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But, why do you not see it as a problem that they changed the way a group functions, when their dungeons are still all over the place? Why are they adding work now? Why did they change the direction of the work now?

And I remember you pointing at their design intent earlier in the thread, but DPS defensives are still very much on the table. How do you see them fixing World of Oneshots while also making dungeons tuned properly for tanks to tank but not tank too much damage so they can still do their jobs, but not too well unless they also have a banger of a healer? All they’ve done is dropped another desk full of paperwork on top of their current desk full of paperwork. I just have zero faith that S1 is going to be anything approaching playable.


Because they felt like they could get it done and it would be beneficial?

Fsir enough. Nothing left to add, really. I sincerely doubt this is gonna play out how Blizzard said they intend, but it is what it is.

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I never said I don’t see it as a problem right now but I’m also willing to let Blizzard iterate on their design concepts.

I can’t belive they’re going through with these tank changes. Late April fools joke

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It’s good for the game and it won’t hinder you anyways.

It is only a 75% reduction in tank damage output across the board and slightly more than 50% reduction in HP and armor. Plus moving defensive cooldowns to a 10 minute shared timer makes things somewhat cleaner.

Nothing to worry about or complain about.

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You sound like a mage who hasn’t played Tank/Healer but except the rotations to be that. That’s fine but betting a lotta money your guild hates you or some ppl are gonna overthrow you for being petty–Suggesting you should go back to classic because you are the problem for WoW

Damn man, who peed in your Shreddies? Also, what are you even talking about? If those clouds said something mean, I’ll yell at them with you.