Tanking changes makes me not want to tank

lmao as a former healer in vanilla and tbc you are jsut simply wrong on that note.

But they haven’t failed especially when they said multiple iterations are necessary?

they’re keeping us stirred up…
does anyone really believe that
after all this time 20 years they
still haven’t worked out how to
balance the classes?
it’s to keep everyone engaged…
and, like negative press, even negative
engagement is good.

I’ve been healing just as long. Everyone got healed. Not just the tank.

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i can say it will take me multiple years to become the ceo of apple. what do you think the odds of reaching that goal is? they have always had issues with balancing the game and until they prove something beautifully different, im going to be skeptic of their end result. that is just that.

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:popcorn: entertain me combatants

Considering they have balanced it well before, like the Classic to WOD era, are you saying Blizzard can’t turn back time?

That is totally valid. Which is why I said from the very start:

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god so much semantics out of you lmao. you used to have to time your heals fro the exact time damage would hit the tank. so yes there was specific tank healing to a massive degree in dungeons.

Can they drop me off back before holy power?

Isn’t that just wow classic?

didnt play wod but classic?!?!?!?! are you kidding me. that was so unbalanced it was laughable. lol

Tanks needed healing, and healers had to heal tanks sometimes.

Dang… too much tequila to remember when it showed up.

And you’re going to have to do that again. But that didn’t make a dungeon healer a tank healer. It meant the healer had to also pay attention to the tank.

Now please read this post in reply to you:

Combatant Fauxstrasza unleashes a short informative response!

How will combatant lemonshark respond?

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Or just leave blood dk as it is and throw this new vision they have away. Seems like they’re trying to redesign everything just to make healers/tanks miserable and cause long waits for dps


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Maybe you can just not tank cause you don’t seem to like it?

It’s grating that people who don’t want to tank, or heal, but do want to fix tanks or healers.

Tank isn’t a role for playing god.

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Combatant Fauxstrasza Presses the Assault! Is Combatant lemonshark finished already?

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