Tanking changes makes me not want to tank

where did i ever say the game didnt need balancing? what i am saying and 100% can voice my opinion on is being dubious with their results because they have proven time and time again that they suck at balancing lol.

prot pally got it pretty bad with the changes. they really dont understand how some classes work lol

As someone with 6 of them, it hurts lol

So, how should they balance along with the goals they have? What would YOU DO to achieve that?

for bdk it will need a complete rework to achieve their goals. the class as a design spits in the face of what they want to achieve.

And nowhere does that say “healers hated being tank healers in raids.”

Let’s look at the whole sect, shall we?

Note how there is no mention of “healers hated tank healing in raids”.

Also note how it says “especially in dungeons.”

Giving a philosophy of how they want healers to be— especially in dungeons— does not make any claim that people hated being tank healers in raids."

But you’re so upset that you don’t want to understand the viewpoint and what type of balance they’re trying to do. Meaning I’m not going to be able to have a level headed conversation here.

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you are so stuck on that point. they got away from that because people complained, so they adjusted the game to fit their customers just like these changes they are attempting and currently failing at.

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What are the new design goals then?

you literally listed part of them. sorry wrong dragon. their new design goals are to smooth out tank damage and limit self sustain. bdk in specific absolutely is designed in the opposite of that. so if that is their goal then its going to need a major overhaul.

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I’m split about the changes to tanks.

One one hand a bunch of people will quit tanking and it will make me feel more special lol nerfs dont affect me I will always adapt and move on.

But on the other hand its like… why do this I dont see why they need to nerf tanks to make things better for the other roles…
why not just make the other roles better so that everyone is happy you dont have to nerf us.

Also as a prot pally I feel like the changes effect us in a really bad way “this applies to blood death knight as well” allow me to explain.

So all tanks deal with damage in a different way for example warrior tanks have insane physical mitigation but weak magic mitigation or blood dks just heal off all the damage they take or brewmaster manages their damage intake through stagger.

Prot pallies manage their damage intake through their massive arsenal of defensives thats how we deal with damage without them we are generally weaker than other tanks but with our high uptime on our defensive cds it evens out.

But these changes affect prot pallies very negatively by cutting our uptime on defensive cds heavily by reducing durations as well as the RD nerf and in doing so damages an aspect of uniqueness to the spec.

Its just my opinion I will adapt to the changes of course but some of them go against what makes certain specs unique and thats not good.

So they haven’t went back on their design goals?

never did i say they did. you can say everything you want to achieve and still fail at those goals

Tank healing wasn’t a thing in dungeons, sir and/or madam.

Notice how their post is mostly centered on dungeons.

People keep cherry picking parts of it instead of reading the whole thing and seeing the big picture.

You also seem to have missed the fact that I only used tank healers as an example of the fact that tanks weren’t always invincible. Nor should they be.

Tanks and healers should absolutely have to work together. It’s now active mitigation instead of mostly passive.

But none of that suddenly means tanks are useless and cannot help their groups. Which is what Opal claimed.

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lmao as a former healer in vanilla and tbc you are jsut simply wrong on that note.

But they haven’t failed especially when they said multiple iterations are necessary?

they’re keeping us stirred up…
does anyone really believe that
after all this time 20 years they
still haven’t worked out how to
balance the classes?
it’s to keep everyone engaged…
and, like negative press, even negative
engagement is good.

I’ve been healing just as long. Everyone got healed. Not just the tank.

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i can say it will take me multiple years to become the ceo of apple. what do you think the odds of reaching that goal is? they have always had issues with balancing the game and until they prove something beautifully different, im going to be skeptic of their end result. that is just that.

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:popcorn: entertain me combatants

Considering they have balanced it well before, like the Classic to WOD era, are you saying Blizzard can’t turn back time?