Tanking changes makes me not want to tank

Because no one was complaining about that and that’s not what this is about at all. I guess you missed where I said complaints about HEALING and ONE SHOTS?

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I don’t tank, but these changes make me more reluctant to main my healer in TWW. I didn’t feel bored or under-utilized when healing before these tanking nerfs, and I’m not really excited about having to babysit the tank more. I probably still will, but it dampened my excitement.

We’ve heard these same design intentions before, more than once, the results were never good and I don’t actually have much faith that it will be any different this time around. I fully expect TWW S1 to be as kite-y and unfun as SL S1.

I am perplexed that they would attempt such impactful changes a week before the pre-patch AFTER raid testing in the beta had concluded. This doesn’t fill me with confidence that “the team” has a clear vision, but is making decisions rather erratically.


ok and? they 100% have made an attempt or did you just ignore the patch notes this discussion is about.

Did I miss the patch notes about tuning in M+?

Have you even tried to tank an M+ dungeon in Beta since the change?

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One patch out of many lol. It’s not like a stamp of “we’re done.”

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To blizz’s credit, feedback in the beta doesn’t show that to be the case at this point.

yes i play a dk. im still 100% responsible for my own living because my damage intake is so spiky that a healer will never be able to heal me in time.

Because blood dk is horribly designed.

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Odd. I remember having a lot of friends who loved being tank healers— including me. Most of my tank healer friends either quit the game or swapped to dps, because they hated feeling useless for tanks and babysitting bad dps.

I also remember how people enjoyed the group make up of Wrath raids. Which utilized tank healers.

I’m curious why you’d say this:

Considering we have no proof of this.

doesnt matter to my original point and in fact you are agreeing with me if you would have read my original comment. here let me help you out.\

I watched AutomaticJak’s group doing M+ after the changes and their BDK was kiting.

Why would they nerf tanks more unless if they’re too strong?

So yeah, I guess their changes aren’t drastic enough.

I assume you reported as such in Beta or posted in the DK feedback thread. Of all the Tanks DK needs some changes to avoid exactly what you just said.

and my guilds we had to death roll to see whos job it was to heal the tank because it was so boring. does my random exp trump yours or vice versa?

Fair enough, I’m just going off the tank updates thread in the beta forum.

Good thing is they have time to figure out bdk and prot pally before S1.

So it’s okay when you act like your experience is everyone’s, but when I give my experience it’s wrong to do so?


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because like i said they failed with their original goal…some tanks got absolutly slapped and others can still keep going. from a fun perspective the DS changes suck and are annoying to play around. would have rather they went a different route with the nerfing.

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So, almost like, tank tuning isn’t finished then? It’s not that they failed at all.

Some still need more whacks with the nerfbat.

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as they currently stand its a fail and given their history i honestly dont expect them to actually be balanced come season 1.

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Some people think the game is perpetually broken, while others are out there clearing content on live servers.

The game never had perfect balance in the history of WOW.