Tanking and You:

I have no guild, it’s the pug life for me and always has been.

Should get either guild or m+ group. It makes your life much easier, you just come on, get some folks together and spam m+ dungs with no pressure, no fear of anyone leaving or anything.
If you fail a key, happens, you just go again.

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It’s a nice idea, but I don’t have any kind of regular schedule. I never know when and if I will be able to log on between my family and my two jobs.


Tanking is easy and rewarding and I only tank in PvE content.

Makes sense, still works with guild though if you got 20-30 people, sometimes someone will be on, but you can keep trying to pug too, tanks find groups easily.

Pugs…eew…i have a guild to tank for. Ill just que randoms as guild group…more plesant plus im helping friends avoid rando groups.

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Yeah the tank bags should have no less than 100k gold in them and a legendary.

Or an item to YEET at incompetent DPS to shift the aggro to them immediately.

idk any half way decent tank gets praised in my groups.

if youre getting toxic talks everywhere you go maybe the problem is the common denominator :wink:

ppl are even more forgiving than usual these days from what ive seen.

(being a new xpack right after the aoe nerf - we know itll be tougher to keep aoe aggro - and optimal pathing isnt a worry yet)

if tanking is stressful to you right now - itll only get worse.

tanking IS easy. i do it all the time. Just today i was in a dungeon and the tank refused to use his taunt or thought it was just on his action bar for decoration. So i had to keep using mine to keep the mobs off the squishies. and the healer was crap too so i had to supplement his healing.

I’ve tanked M+ keys all through BFA and it isn’t nearly as hard as people like to make it out to be.

Right now, we’re not over-geared.

which would make tanking harder would it not? i did a bunch of dungeons past few days as tank and it wasn’t hard at all aside from nobody knowing what an interrupt is for some reaosn.

M0 Mists and Sanguine Depths.

With the right group, you will desire the crucifixion of the DPS.

i havent done any sl dungeons yet, expansions is so boring i havent even reached level 55 yet.

Bruh. You don’t even get the bags, yet.

ill live without them. had more fun leveling this blood elf in BC and WoTLK than i have in bfa and sl so far combined.

PuG tanking is basically playing WoW with hard-mode set to : Totally Effing Random

Sometimes it’s easy as pie, no issues, no random pulls.

Then other times you get people pulling all of that first floor of Halls of Atonement and you’re like, why? Why do that? Why literally just waste more and more of our time? If it’s for rep, please, just say something.


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I will never tank for randoms and I don’t have time for a guild.

Hard pass

Tanking pugs is the worst experience…the other day I tanked a heroic just for the weekly quest completion…we get through with no deaths… the last boss reset (a bug that was just fixed) and one of the dps starts talking smack “this tank tho, bro” … was it a perfect run? No… I am learning to tank which is why I was in a heroic…did we get through with zero deaths in a relatively decent time…yes. dude was still a terd.