Tanking and You:

Maybe healer bags with 50k? I swear to the lord, I ate so much abuse during normal leveling and M5’s as a healer.

It’s tough for rage based tanks when random groups won’t give the tank time to get rage and then accuse the tank of sucking.

I’ve really never understood this ‘get a guild’ mindset. I’ve played WoW since BC and every guild I was ever in was a clique popularity contest. You can say something in G chat, no one responds, but if an officer makes a terrible joke the entire G chat explodes like Richard Pryor raised from the dead for a final standup appearance and everyone has front row seats. Then all the sudden mid-season people see your high IO score and start trying to include you in stuff, asking if you want to run x key, etc. after acting like you never existed a few weeks prior.

Plus people sometimes think that because you’re in the same guild you should let them into your groups undergeared or under experienced when you had to put in the time and work to be where you are; who wants that annoying baggage? ‘Hey, never done a 15 before but willing to learn. :)’ ‘Hey, what’s the ilvl requirement for that? :)’ I’ve pugged everything since late ICC, you don’t need a guild to do content unless you’re a mythic raider(and even then you can get by without one). Not that being on a guild raid team can’t be a good situation, but the ‘you NEED a guild’ mindset always struck me as odd.

As for random normal/heroic dungeons any halfway decent tank can just about run the content solo–so I’ll take 900ish gold and 1-4 runes to quick run through a dungeon when I’m not doing anything else. Those runes generally sell for 4-600 gold in a stable market, thats up to or more than 3500 gold for 25 minutes of your time, or as little as 1500 gold–which still isn’t bad.

So I’m not really sure what your issue is.

In a guild, you can talk to people.