Tanking and You:

Ironically you answered my question without intending to.

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-Uses mole machine- :ok_hand:

I fully intended to. Just in a way that won’t get me ban-whomped from the forums. I think your name applies here ironically now.

Don’t worry, I’m a brave nerd who fears not the banhammer if it means classic rock.

That’s called synergy!

It’s not a matter of being dramatic. For the first few steps of this expansion, I’ve had the… absolute delight… of being paired with some guild groups from South America.

In my… unrelenting and overwhelming joy… I have started tanking for my guild almost exclusively.

When i tank random dungeon i just turn off my chat

That’s nice and all, but if someone asks for help, you’re to blame when they die.

Sometimes you gotta hit em with the classic “fk em’”

Random dungeons are fine imo. You click the join button, wait, join, in the dungeon. Action right away no fuss. That’s why I like them. Every now and then you run into some questionable players(I don’t mean as in new players or that they don’t know mechanics but the rude kind). I’d rather take a group of fresh “noobs” than one toxic player.

I’m far more likely to butt heads with someone in a premade group than in the group finder. But that’s just me.

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N o p e . .

I don’t envy anyone just starting out as a tank now since you definitely take a lot more crap than you used to. Mad respect to anyone who sticks with it.

and this is why i can get free bribe bags from the group finder.

you’re scaring off all the competition. ;D

Where can I find this mount? :blush:

As a tank main, tanking is easy but its the most fun active role imo plus it falls into mt natural leadership personality. As for pugs ewwww who does that and why

I can understand what you are saying, as someone who mained heals for years, I decided to switch to tank this expansion. I know what you are saying, even as a healer. Hunters non stop pulling huge mobs, tank gets ran over, healer cant keep it up, party wipes, DPS auto blames heals or tank, It is timeless. I now have gotten to the point that I mostly only run guild groups unless i am farming satchels and even then I wont hesitate to kick a dps out the group. especially some random turd hunter or mage that wants to pull everything.

Just 2 days ago I was helping one of our guild healers that just hit 60. We queued for regular dungeons and immediately got stuck with a hunter in full pvp gear. I was trying to teach my healer the routes and pulls that needed to be done on mythic yet the scrub ilvl 170 hunter proceeded to pull the entire area. so we dropped group and let them die. I feel bad for the other DPS just trying to get a dungeon done. I am sure they were excited to have a 182 tank in the group to help pad DPS and make it go faster but the random trash pvp player had to ruin it for everyone. All the more common now that the trash is forced to do some PVE in order to get legendary powers.

Just keep on kicking them and move on with your life. you will be well above ilvl 200 while the trash hunter is still trying to figure out why 171 gear wont kill anyone.

i’m not kyrian demon hunter so i can’t tank

*** Readies Rubber chicken ***

I didn’t expect a kind of Spanish Inquisition. Give me the comfy chair!

I was trying to tank this expansion, but pugs are so f’n toxic to tanks it’s insane. Get far less grief as a healer.

Also my DH is Night Fae. Fight me. :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually true, I was chainpulling 2-3 packs at a time for a quick weekly quest in heroic dung, and one of the dps started crying because I pulled a pack that wasn’t necessary for 1st boss, but would be in our way later on so I figured get it killed sooner, so we don’t have to stop for 1 pack, then go up stairs for rest. But that dps clearly doesn’t think ahead.

Tank with your guild, usually is best experience.