Tank nerfs across the board - Tanks no longer immortal - How do we feel about this?

The post says kiting should be unnecessary.

Not sure how they arrived at that conclusion given that tanks taking a buttload more damage almost always results in annoying “gameplay” like kiting. Running away every pull just feels awful. In some, niche encounters, sure it makes sense.

The point of being a tank is to feel like you are protecting your group from harm. Hard to do that if you will get trucked easily.


I literally can’t wait to pull 1 mob at a time just to send a message

Threat is not the same as it was back then, we will loose aggro if we kite for too long :confused: maybe they low key want us to reduce pull sizes

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Then don’t play with them.

Tanks are only “immortal” if you deliberately grouped up with an OP FOTM spec, OR are doing trivial content where nobody is going to die.

Or both.


Depends on other changes looking at this alone looks horrible and I can’t believe people think this will stop tanks from doing ridiculous pulls like it won’t they’ll just start attacking healers for not popping all their cooldowns to keep them alive.

I think this will stop a good number of people playing tanks from doing any pulls, so… Task failed successfully so far.


You know what would ACTUALLY reduce the number of huge pulls?

Extending M+ dungeon timers.


Better idea removing timers and replacing them with a Death Counter force both Tanks and DPS too learn self preservation to progress.


You are talking about faceroll content we out gear. Nothing will change in faceroll content. Players speed run when they can, and only way to avoid that is to form custom groups.

Ha ha ha. That would be really funny.

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You don’t think we learn self-preservation in high (to us) keys? It’s one of the most common topics in tank forums (e.g., discord channels for VDH, prot pally, etc.). We spend a lot of time talking about how to balance survivability and dps, and the higher the keys the more focus there has to be on tanks surviving.

A change in human nature? Most players love big pulls as long as they are done smartly and in combinations the group can manage (not too many kicks, etc.). One of the funnest parts of WoW is gathering a big pack and watching the numbers on your screen go vroom vroom.

Agreed on that last part. I am cynical because there were already so many issues that need fixing before TWW launches, specs and hero talents that are nowhere close to balanced, and the tank nerfs just add to that pile. Some tanks got hit way harder than others, which makes you wonder how much thought they put into it. Nerfing a talent no one plays by 20% is not the same as nerfing one a spec depends on. Maybe they will polish it all up and surprise me, but I have my doubts.

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Cleaning gas station toilets without gloves is more fun than healing randoms in dungeon gear.


why do you become giga aggressive for no reason against anyone with a different opinion from you. even in the tank classcords people gave similar opinions and you just "um no"walled everyone

Those changes will barely be noticed through lvling.

It doesn’t bother me when a tank can outheal me through self-healing; but it is a problem when a tank can outheal me on everybody else. There are only so many ways a tank can keep themselves from falling over, with self-healing being one of those ways. In order to keep tanks feeling different, having some rely heavily on self-healing more than others is perfectly reasonable to me.

I’m not sure this is true given how free timers have been through most of Dragonflight for average level groups, and have been looking to be in beta. Sure, there are always bad groups that move far faster than they need to and run into problems. But if you’re timing your average key by 6 minutes with whatever the average death count is, better groups will realize they can pull a bit slower, time the key by 3 minutes with more reliability than shooting for that 6 minute target with more keys being bricked.

These two things aren’t really the same thing, like at all. Augmentation offers a value proposition we’d never seen in WoW before, and it was not very obvious how it provides value before we’d acclimated to what we needed to look for. So when they show as having the least damage in the group despite inhabiting a damage slot, a lot of groups below the top wouldn’t go near them with a 10-foot pole even though they would have led to more successful runs at those levels a lot of the time.

The fact that they are trying to make these kind of sweeping changes just before an expansion is a bit concerning. There are already classes that have issues with mitigation and get by due to their self healing. I can not wait until people start complaining about tanks kiting again as they are forced to wait for active mitigation to come back off cool down.

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Problem comes when you sit in a queue, wait for 20 minutes, finally get a dungeon run, get left behind by these geared up players who run past mobs, get killed by mobs every time you try to catch up, then get kicked.

If I could I would get a bunch of my friends together and form a group but I can’t do that. Life happens and I can’t spend the time necessary to be a full time member of a group like that. And I haven’t been a student in high school or college since the middle of the last century so those people are hard to find anyway.

So I don’t bother. I do questing and story lines. And now I’m happy doing that and I’m happy there are follower dungeons.


In reading through this thread, it seems the tank-nerf dilemma mostly will be affecting performance in raids and dungeons. Since what I do is only/mainly solo open-world, I don’t think these changes will hit me as hard (as they hadn’t with past nerfings).

Ofc, if they do, then I will be outta here.


It is 1000% focused on mythic+.

Pretty much all of the tank and healer changes of the past 8 years have been based on mythic+ except for disc ramps.

Blanket infinite scaling doesn’t play well with the trinity, before the season rescaling top end keys were literally over 1000% more damage and HP than a low key, and the classes and roles need to be design to “handle” it.


Wow, you’re so clueless you don’t even realize that for your normal/heroic dungeons nothing is going to change and I am still going to pull everything and take no damage while you RP walk?

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