Tank nerfs across the board - Tanks no longer immortal - How do we feel about this?

Lol…that song was on a video I just saw on youtube…now I cant stop singing your character name to Unstoppable, lmao

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Not sure what do you mean by “tanks no longer immortal”.

In the random heroic dungeons that people complain about tanks pulling everything? We’ll keep pulling the whole dungeon.

In Mythic + with keys maybe heroic raids as well (mythic raids definitely)?
Well, if the tank dies we can blame the healers.

It is a win-win.

Remember when you’re progressing and there is just the tank left to finish the boss?
That ain’t happening anymore.

you wanna know what else is now kinda mandatory for Mythic+?

so expect all groups to have tank healer and augmentation now.


Huge changes to be making so close to launch. My confidence they will implement in an effective and balanced manner? 0.01%


Would not be a shocker.

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they drive me nuts with these big changes.
Its like ‘moderation’ isnt in the bliz employee handbook or something lol


Dungeon tuning on beta is already questionable. 0.01% is being mighty generous.

I really don’t want another DF season 1 and 2 where they spend half the seasons tuning dungeons.


Well thought out reasonable take.

My only note is that this situation happens even less than people think, there are virtually no high groups running without healers right now, raiderio just records them that way when they send the first pull with all CDs and lust with 4 dps then switch back to heals, and the problem there is massively more due to skilled dps players being able to survive practically any pull due to the overwhelming defensiveness and off-healing of certain dps classes and overpowered crowd control of vengeance demon hunter being able to literally turn off a pack’s ai and make them do nothing for long enough for 4 dps to kill them - nothing to do with the rate that tank health drops.

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Funny how they decided they didn’t like kite meta, but now they’re bring it back. :thinking:


Might be? There will be more DPS pulling if tanks have to slow down.

I know I’m already looking to dps instead of tank and tanking is all I’ve done for several expansions. I despised S1 SL and will never play a tank like that again.

On the beta tanks already needed spot healing and there where several situations where the healers were having to make the choice between healing a tank or letting a dps die. With a massive change like this and what 5 weeks to “test” it there is no way that Blizz can balance it. Hell the nerfs to tanks not being even alone says that.

Unfortunately our entire group of friends feels the same so we don’t have any tanks again at the moment. I might just eat the cost of the game and take a break for the expansion if its as bad as I think its going to turn out.

I went from looking forward to this expansion to thinking I may just not play and pick up a new game instead and I guess that alone says enough about how some players are going to see the nerfs.


then the tanks will not help them lol

Excellent reference

And on the topic: I just don’t want a kite meta, playing the slowest tank…makes me side-eye the new ability where Prot pals keep the consecrate effects for ~4 seconds after leaving consecrate. I guess we do have that hero talent in…Templar is it? …that can increase movement speed.

Sounds like they’re trying to shore up some weakness paladins have with a movement heavy tank style, so I’ve got that going for me, which is nice.

So at the same time, as a healer why do I have to rely on a tank or why does dpsneed to rely on a tank?


They definitely don’t have enough time to make sure this goes the way they want it to. For most of the community, this is either going to be miserable or make no difference in the grand scheme of things.


My tanks don’t know how to feel about this, and I don’t as DPS either, because I have not been in enough dungeons to know wtf is going on with regards to hero talents + tanking + healers + what is going on in the dungeon.

In other words, I find everything to be conjecture until I see numbers, and I don’t do these kinds of number crunching… I leave that to the min / max’rs.

This is the key for me.

…like…why now?? and was this change really necessary?

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already lost one of our raid tanks as a result of these changes
probably will lose another because they’re not great and will end up being benched

very weird idea to change tanking philosophy less than 2 months before launch, and after testing


And healers should require skill to play /shrug


lmao, even.

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This makes me want to try getting into healing again, I’m not a fan of immortal tanks and how fast you need to react because so many mechanics pretty much one shot people or kill them too quickly so the larger health pools sound nice in theory.

My opinion comes down to how things feel when they finish balancing.