Tank nerfs across the board - Tanks no longer immortal - How do we feel about this?

There you go, start off with the fallacy of ad hominem. No need to read any further. An opening insult is proof enough that the writer has no confidence in what ever follows. So if you don’t believe your argument can stand on its own without propping it up with an insult, why even read it.

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Making every dungeon take an hour to get through. What a genius idea

Yeah, what an awful idea having to actually play the game. Clearly any game related activity is something you want to get over with as quickly as possible.

If I felt like that there is no way I would be paying this company a dime. Unlike the “get it behind us quick” end game players, I actually like playing this game.

So here’s a question. If you hate playing the game so much, what are you doing here?


probably not a good way to start a new xpac. nerfing both heals and tanks that hard right at the beginning when we are all gonna be at our weakest seems… dumb?

we were all so excited, blizz had to thrown some dirt on us. can’t all be sunshine and rainbows


Also after they did testing and tuning instances, so it wasn’t balanced with this in mind.

LOL they haven’t tuned the instances at all. Even before this change they were a mess.

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This reminds me of a good quote.

“Things weren’t better before, but they sure are worse now.”


And healers should not pull everything in the dungeon for a tank or the group; idc what level it is on

the first time, you’re right, but the game is based on endless repetition of dungeons for gear and currency, this is the circle being squared…

Well then why are you attracted to a game where you have to play the same material over and over? And if that is the type of game you like to play, what are you complaining about?

is every thing that black and white to you? I enjoy repetition in games…I played 1000’s of AV’s and never got tired of them, but if you make dungeons agonizing and painful and take much longer, why wouldn’t it seem like something to be cautious about?

Ok so you like repetition more than a longer game. All I’m saying is that I would rather have a longer battle I had to play fewer times.

This will continue to happen, because the nerfs are only strong for very high end content.

For players like you, enjoy the follower dungeon.

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we can agree on that…

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Those tank nerfs have zero impact in raids btw. As someone who thinks these changes are garbage for Mythic+, I will easily admit that they were warranted for raiding.

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just go play solo content bud lmfao

Nah, I’ll do what I want to. Maybe I’ll even be your healer someday.

just sounds like you dislike every aspect of group content, go play solo then. if youre tired of individuals being more geared than you in a pug and not needing to rely on you that is.

as a healer i am fine with it. In my old MMO we always had 1 tank healer and then 1 or 2 raid healers.

I cant wait to see all the people cheering these nerfs on be back on here in 2 months complaining about soul crushingly long que times, followed by multiple wipes because healers forced to choose between keeping tanks or dps up. Laundry list of nerfs nobody but non-tanks asked for, and this WILL result in healers catching more flack cause the whole fun part of tanking is pulling big packs, tanks will never stop trying to pull the whole room. Trying to force tanks to pull smaller and kite is just going to kill the roll and double que time. R.I.P pug content i guess lmfao