Tank nerfs across the board - Tanks no longer immortal - How do we feel about this?

Such big changes that affects basically every aspect of the game itself should had brought to the table a long time ago not this close to launch.

This feels like they decided last minute to give voice to an unheard dev in the group so he can feel good that he contributed something to the game!



Thats because iron fur increases your armor and ignore pain is an actual absorb. Its not an issue with the combat log, they just operate in two different ways.


Great way to keep people from trying to roll a tank. Make them more “squishy.”

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When tanks first became immortal and made healers feel more or less useless, they didn’t warn us very far ahead of time lol


That’s putting it politely. I’d have said they’ve become completely insufferable.

I’m trying to be polite, that’s all.

Kind of you. Undeserved. But kind.

I hate it. Tank survivability was never an issue, now it will be. One more problem. People already struggle at the start of seasons, then we work our way to becoming resilient. Can’t even have that anymore. And I guess I just won’t heal. There’s already like half a dozen deaths per run, let’s double that because it’s fun for everyone!

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I have tanked in every expansion since legion, either as a main or an alt, my initial reaction is a visceral confusion and distaste.

The philosophy behind these changes seems to have completely missed the point and goes in the wrong direction. Tanking is most engaging and fun when tanks are in control of their own survival, hands down, no question, moving away from that is a negative change for how interesting it will be to play a tank.

That said I don’t think these change will have any affect on raid whatsoever.

These change affect M+ disproportionately as there’s higher incoming auto attack damage and kiting becomes a viable solution.

Healers focusing more on tanks sounds like it will exacerbate the current issues with non-tank survivability by placing yet more emphasis on how plentiful and powerful the defensive options are for those specs making current balance issues even worse. As well as tank spam healing generally being something most healers don’t want to do.

Shifting both tank and healer gameplay in this less fun direction may reduce the popularity of both roles, increasing time taken to find groups for the majority of people without a consistent group to run with.

Then there’s the issue of Blizzard actually doing what they say they’re going to do - I’ve played the game long enough to know that Blizzard often says one thing and does the opposite, it’s hard to know how these changes are going to play out, but my personal prediction is that most tank specs will suffer but there’ll be one or two outliers that don’t feel as affected, maybe it’ll shake up the tank meta, who knows.

TLDR: Generally absurd changes with self contradictory philosophy that look like they’ll make the game less fun for no reason.


Yeah, I bet it’d be pretty fun if I could just ignore the tank and healer and play solo as a DPS, too.


LOL so true.

Everyone disliked that.

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This is a blind opinion based on title and not reading too much into the patch and other’s views. I think it’s good that tank need healers. This will force them to think about avoiding pulls that can kill them since they are now pulling without thinking about the rest of group (not all tanks but they are out there).

I personally have been tanking since LK when Dk’s came out.

After this crap, So far Blizzard has over all Nerfed healers into the ground and Now they are doing it to tanks.

I"m not tanking anymore until Blizzard reverts 100% of this crap.

Also, there was nothing really wrong with the healing at then end of SL. Sure some classes need a buff to catch up but there was nothing wrong. This is just them trying to break things . They will never learn.

I will boycott tanking until they move us back



I’m rooting for the mana pools goin up and down.

/more popcorn

Thats why they are bringing Delves to you, so you can go ahead a do them without a tank!

And thank goodness for that. I feel like there are no players more insufferable than tanks who think they shouldn’t need a healer.


Can you explain what you mean by this? Tanks can’t do that at any sort of reasonable level of M+ which is where I believe this change actually has an effect.

Tanks have control and support tools to keep group members alive in the pulls they set up, if they set up a pull that they know will kill their group that’s a bad tanking decision.

By far the most disconnected role from other players’ survival/able to ignore and pretend they’re playing solo is dps and even then the current meta has things like mass barrier, vamp embrace, aug evoker in general.

I might be misunderstanding but it seems like what you’re encountering is actually bad groups and not bad design.

These changes will not make your tanks better players.

Every group member is invested in every other group member’s survivability to some degree in content that can actually kill you. In places like lfg and low-mid M+ people ignore their ability to keep themselves and each other alive sure but they do that equally across every role.

Pull size is generally limited by the group’s ability to control the mobs and survive, not tank survivability, these changes will not usually reduce pull sizes, they will just make tanks kite more, my issue is with being pushed towards the cringe gameplay we will use to circumvent the nerfs. M+ tanks can literally hold S for a massive damage reduction currently but nobody likes when they do it, they are pushed into doing it more with these changes at normal M+ sized pulls.

If anything, after these changes the tank will be more likely to just die and wipe the group or they’ll kite and make the pack take longer, meanwhile the healer is spamming the tank and can’t spare heals for the group (remember this change is in the context of an increase in the relative power of ST heals over aoe heals) changes in this direction could genuinely be negative for everyone, but again, it’ll depend on how far Blizzard goes.

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This is the point of confusion for people misunderstanding what this change will actually do.

Good tanks will 100% not pull smaller due to this change, they will kite more. You could nerf tank survivability by 90% and some classes would still be able to hold threat on a pack and kite it to live - at least in lfg and low m+.

For content where balance actually matters, tanks usually cannot solo largely due to requiring kicks/stops from the group, incoming auto attack damage can be completely mitigated by kiting, therefore mob control limits pull sizes not a tank’s ability to stand still.

Though you do get tanks currently who pull entire dungeons in lfg because they actually can solo it, that does suck for new players as it will usually get them killed but people who want to do that will still do that even if they get nerfed, the difficulty is too low for nerfs like this to stop anyone. - Honestly hard agree with you here that this sucks, part of the reason this happens is Blizzard pushing geared players into low m+ and lfg to increase success rates, but the problem lies there not with tank power. This happens with geared DPS running ahead soloing the entire dungeon as well while a new tank can get left behind.

Aside from that, practically every class in the game can solo lfg level dungeons right now, I have farmed dragonflight dungeons for transmog solo on multiple non-tank classes with no issue. Prot pally can literally afk and solo packs in those easy difficulties with reflected damage proccing trinkets.

The reality is it’s not a problem for the game at large to be able to solo lfg dungeons, it’s not broken because any class can do it and those difficulties are introductory/tutorial/story difficulties.

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Just listening to the various complaints, Id say if I was playing in any content that matters, Id be kinda ticked IF they nerf tank and then healer is still as bad as many had been complaining about and seemingly were quitting healing over it.

Feels like this is gonna just be one more of those “Oops, we screwed everything up…again” moments by blizzard in a few months…I mean, unless everyone is whining about nothing in here over it, which I doubt is the case.
Seem to be even ones I consider totally rational and reasonable in here with some complaints so seems to be a real problem at this point if its not remedied.