Tank nerfs across the board - Tanks no longer immortal - How do we feel about this?

Nerfing Impending Victory effects more than just tanks. Arms Warriors barely have any survivability, it’s just pop all defensive cooldowns (Ignore Pain/Spell Deflect/Rallying Cry/the Parry ability) and use Impending Victory when you kill something.

I don’t know if Arms gets more self-heal abilities with new talents/hero abilities, but nerfing shared abilities is pretty brutal.

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It’s going to absolutely ruin pugging for M+ at any competitive level. Folks will trawl for OP puggers and just refuse the rest, because of the increased… I guess, competency level necessary?

They had a mega successful season in S3 of DF, but everyone whined it was too easy, so we are now knee jerking the completely opposite direction.



I’m feeling neutral on it other than enjoying the meltdowns and threats to preemptively quit tanking or the game over it. That part is amusing.

As for the change itself I’m going to wait and see how it plays out before passing judgement.

Sounds just like what we have now. People will always chase the meta or aim to outgear content even in key levels where it is pointless to do so.

Does it mean we won’t be seeing healers shouldn’t have to dps threads anymore :thinking: Remember seeing threads like that over the last year, or two is why I ask :popcorn:

Tanks shouldn’t have a single form of self healing(shields are ok).

Anyone know how tanks in PVP are affected by these changes?

I think it’s a terrible idea that will just result in a less enjoyable experience.

Tanks should be able to keep themselves alive for the most part while requiring little external aid if played correctly, the healers are there to keep the dps alive, because there is such a thing as damage going out to dps, and i highly doubt they will follow through with what they stated about damage.

So it will just result in a pitiful experience, for everyone. Tanks will pull smaller, healers now have to focus more on tanks while also having to heal up dps, and dps will die more often.

Overall just horrendous, and i don’t understand why they seem to think that this is a goal they should have.

In short it’s stupid, these changes are stupid and short sighted.

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If none of us are the tank I guess all of us are.

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I’m all for changes that make tanks a bit more dependent on group cooperation. They’ve gotten a pretty big ego lately.

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… no. That’s not how it’s supposed to work. Tanks shouldn’t be Superman.


All i can say is, shortsighted, you have no idea what you are talking about.

This will backfire bad.


Depends on how everything else is balanced. But ‘God Mode’ should never have been a thing. This game was designed around the trinity and it is about time they get back to that philosophy.

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give it a sec, this is the same playbook as before. Brewm comes in real strong and right before live, nancy kerrigan’d.


Well, since the entire problem with WoW was too many tanks, this is a perfect solution. Truly.


I’ve played this game for a long, long time. Tanks used to depend heavily on healers, and that made healers very important.

Why should the tank be the only one who can do their whole thing without depending on anybody else in the group?

If you don’t want to depend on other people in group content, just go do delves.

Tanks who actually need their groups behave much differently than tanks who don’t.


Sure dude, i see that playing this game for a long time taught you absolutely jack.

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Id like things to slow down, but I don’t want dungeons that take forever to clear as a result. Hopefully they balance it.

I understand why these changes were made. Casual players rightfully complain about how irrelevant healers are in leveling, timewalking or even heroic dungeons… but at the same time, these dungeons:

  1. Are leveling/low difficulty content
  2. Are designed to be easy
  3. Does not require a premade and is available through LFG

I feel like Classic/Vanilla has the kind of gameplay these players are after, when the healer is much more involved with healing/micromanaging the tank in baseline content. There’s nothing wrong with making healing more engaging in lower content, as casuals are critical to a playerbase…


My only concern is a negative spill over due to poor tuning in mythic+ dungeons. I have yet to see this utopia when I don’t have to heal anyone in mythic+, between all of the unavoidable AOE damage going out, and players making mistakes. I always appreciated a good tank with great mitigation and self-healing because 9 times out of 10, I’m healing the tunneling, oblivious dps players far more than the tank, even on high keys!

If I’m going to be healing the tank more, dps players will die more often if they play poorly because tank has higher priority. At higher level mythic+, I see this change making the game less fun for all players, especially the tank/healer roles which are already less popular than dps.

Unless of course, we are talking about the high, high end elite players flawlessly executing on discord- the less than one percent of the population who clear high keys without a healer at all, in this case… the game should NEVER be balanced around this group!!!

tl;dr - this may or may not be a good change depending on how tuning is in all facets of content. If mythic+ is awful, I hope tuning will happen quickly, because making a drastic change so close to release seems a bit risky imo.


Be careful, you might need me to heal you someday.