Tank nerfs across the board - Tanks no longer immortal - How do we feel about this?

The thing is if you don’t count absorbs in logs as healing than something like a disc priest would be gutted. I think absorbs should count in the healing meter, but that’s why I think the actual mitigation through shield block, iron fur, etc should reduce damage by a lot more and redirect it from a “absorbed” based mitigation, to just flat out preventing the damage in the first place so it’s not added to the healing meters

This would keep tanks capable of self sustaining themselves with good mitigation uptime, as well as any healing required to be on the healer and the healer getting credit for topping them back up as opposed to 1 frenzied regen doing more healing in a few seconds than a healer is even remotely capable of doing

Gutted… how?

On the logs?

Who gives a crap?

Honestly… :roll_eyes:


I don’t think they have an end-goal. They’re just responding to overwhelming critique from streamers and want to be seen as “doing something.”


They need to stop changing things based on a small percent of the playerbase.


Everything in the game is actual content. Only the snobbish members of the elite think the game is meant only for them and all the rest of us should be happy to pay the bills so they have their game to play.

If everyone else left, those few elite who think high level end game is the only meaningful content would have to pay five times their current subscription rates. Then boy would the howling start.

Soon most of them would be gone and your rates would skyrocket or the game would have to shut down for lack of revenue.

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now i will not have time to dps as a normal healer

They tried this in Shadowlands s1 and it was a complete disaster, everyone hated it, and nobody wanted to play tank.

Tanks need to feel powerful if you want us to play them. The parts of the game that are hard are way too hard, and the parts of the game that are easy are way too easy.

The absolute last thing any tank wants is to have to rely on a healer to do weekly keys. If we’re pushing hard then sure, maybe a bit, but even then it’s more fun to just ask for pain sup or whatever and mix it into your normal CD rotation.

If anything they should be increasing tank healing and damage and reducing trash complexity while increasing mob count. Then people can slam big numbers, do just enough mechanics to stay honest, and feel cool.

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Streamers who all play the FOTM OP specs, at that.

Is Blizzard’s solution to nerf THOSE specs?

LOL nah.

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A more precise word would have been “relevant” content.

And no, encounters that can be tanked by a priest are not “relevant” when it comes to tank discussions.

Well if it advances the story then it is relevant. If it’s something that people who pay a subscription like to play it’s relevant.

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Sorta true. What’ll happen is that we’ll pull 2-3 packs, build aggro, then kite. You’ll see fewer tanks queuing, and more DPS randomly dying due to poorly maintained aggro. You’ll probably see Demon Hunter near the top if it gets really bad because they have the highest mobility of any tank.

So basically shadowlands season 1, like I mentioned above. It’s honestly a terrible change. If you want there to be enough tanks in queue then you absolutely must make them powerful. Nobody wants to slowly grind through a dungeon doing 2-3 mobs at a time; people want to pull the entire room and blast. We will try everything we can to pull the entire room and blast it, and if we can’t then we’ll just not do that dungeon… or we’ll stop logging in after our weekly vault or whatever.

Edit: For example, nobody really loves HOI. It’s not even that hard, it’s just long, the pulls are boring, and nobody wants to do it. AA on the other hand you have MASSIVE pulls which are extremely fun. The entire tree room for example is just awesome to do. Back in BFA the most popular seasonal affixes were Reaping and Corrupted. Corrupted was more useful, but Reaping was just fun; people loved blasting 20-30 mobs at a time.


I don’t trust Blizzard to get the balance right and I think we’re in for a pretty miserable Warthin S1 as they stubbornly cling to this idea while people quit the game because it isn’t fun anymore.

Tanks don’t like being reliant on healers.

Healers are overstressed in M+ as it is and don’t need more to do.

DPS might be okay with it for now, but they’ll change their tune when their queue times go up and their keys keep getting bricked.


8% total Stagger increase, and 13% increase to magic damage Stagger effectiveness in the same changes.


it won’t last, Cata redux…

Logs are an irrelevant point here. If I deathgrip a caster (or sleet a pack of them), I don’t get credit for the interrupts/stops and whatever damage those MAY have done. A prot pally will look like a god amongst ants in the interrupt logs too.

When I pick a healer for a pug key, first and foremost is score and gear levels and a very close 2nd is expected utility. Can they cleanse nasties that may or may not be present and lethal? Do they have a utility I find highly desirable with my comp?

I don’t give an eff if they cast nature or light spells to heal. I don’t care if they cast HOTs or bomb/nuke heals to heal. I don’t care what portion of their healing is absorbs. So long as the HP bars aren’t gray, how they go about the job is irrelevant and what some 3rd party parsing site says they/we did relative to other people also doesn’t matter (especially since the higher up you go, the more likely you are to run into comps propping up players specifically to win those specific “races”).

Tanks being responsible for their own survival is, overall, a very good thing for the game. The argument can definitely be made that SOME tanks, especially tanks who have alot else going for them have way too much, but all this change is likely to do is put more pressure on bad/lazy healers who CLAIM they want to be more of a healbot but ACTUALLY want to be more of a lazy lootbot. These healers are going to be back here in a few months mad that groups are kicking them for not healing/keeping groups alive and not praising Blizzard for marginally making them more useful.


This seems like a really bad perspective.

People on this game are slaves to metas and logs. Look no further than the furor of many when augmentation was underrepresented in details.


That is an insane thing to say about timed dungeons

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It makes healers relevant? Just a guess.

I’ll just respond to someone on the beta thread since I can’t post there…

quote: “This is the exact opposite of tanks want. It’s more fun and satisfying to tank when us living or dying lies only in our own gameplay. Neither tanks nor healers want this change, its makes the role less fun to play.”

Um, as a healer having the tank be 100% sufficient on their own is bad gameplay design and enforces a bad attitude where tanks feel like Superman, end up pulling the whole dungeon, couldn’t care less if dps/healers die because they can literally solo anything. Very bad new player experience and just player experience in general.


There is no rule saying I have to be a fan of timed dungeons. The fact that they exist and the fact that tanks practice timed runs in regular dungeons is the reason I’ve been kicked and I’ve seen and heard about others kicked from regular dungeons.

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