Tank nerfs across the board - Tanks no longer immortal - How do we feel about this?

How about the 8 mythic+ seasons of Legion and BFA that didn’t have invincible tanks?


After these changes, who knows what they’ll need. That’s actually my main gripe about this. Weeks of testing season 1 without those changes and they drop this bomb at the tail end of it…


Fully agreed this needed to be out a month or two ago.

It already happens, nothing new.

That’s only because the combat log considers a bunch of absorbs to be heals.

Change the combat log, not tank mechanics, if healers’ egos are so offended by it.

(Nor is the combat log even consistent, when it comes to damage reduction. Guardian Druid reduces damage taken by using Ironfur? NOT A HEAL, says combat log. Prot Warrior reduces damage taken by using Ignore Pain? TOTALLY A HEAL, says combat log. It’s antiquated and stupid, and revising it is 20 years overdue.)


Well a “bunch of external healing” is extremely subjective but in the 6-8 range there was enough damage especially in the fort weeks to make me think immortal is too strong of a word.

I am just going to ignore all this pain as usual


If we’re talking in terms of “now there are little bits of damage taken away” instead of “healer aneurism time YEAAAA”, that’s fine. Tanks did seem immortal.

Still, I think the design where tanks can stand on themselves only a small amount of help from healers is better. We got to remembers healers need time to react and can’t be based on rotation like DPSers are.

I guess the key here is “how predictable is the damage” and how many globals a healer needs to cover up that damage?

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Ever heal a Brewmaster in high M+?


Did we play the same game? Tanks were gods in BFA. Tanks became semi immortal around tomb. If anything, it puts us around wod levels but without the proper dungeon and affix tuning


nipple was sap

cries in Heroic Shattered Halls

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This doesn’t really change anything. Tanks will still have to pull 2-3 packs per pull in M+ and go as fast as possible, you’ll just now be more reliant on having a good healer and overall wiping more. This won’t make tanks “slow down” one bit.


I have gotten KSM as tank, healer, and dps this season, so I think I can kind of speak for the effect this will have on players doing lower pugs like me, at least.

Overall, I don’t think it will change much. Players who don’t bother to press their defensives will still get squished instantly on pull, but players who do know how to use their defensives will be effectively immortal with minimal healing. This might increase the floor for how much gear a tank needs going into higher keys to avoid that 1shot before you get your resources rolling, which is annoying, but I don’t think it’s that big of a deal.

I generally think -gameplay wise-, tank specs are the easiest specs to play in the game, obviously routing in high mythic plus makes tanking a lot harder, but generally you aren’t really going to see a situation where you are dying when you are actually using your active mitigation and cooldowns effectively, which is not a high bar. Unless you just straight up pull way too much. I do think this does suck for blood DKs specifically, though, as they have been one of the harder tanks to stay alive on, especially on that first pull and while gathering mobs up, only becoming immortal once they get that runic power rolling.

star was my sap with some rogues lol

If the overpowered tanks are immortal, then nerf the overpowered tanks. Not everybody.

Really sick of people substituting “tanks” when they mean “Demon Hunter and Paladin tanks”. (maybe DK’s, depending on where we are in the gearing curve)

Sap was diamond because purple was the shadowiest color.


They’ve announced last-minute tank nerfs twice before, at the end of betas. This is standard operating procedure for the ninnies at Blizzard.

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The sky isn’t falling down, but part of the reason people don’t play tanks is because it’s boring.

It’s the easiest role in the game and it’s not debateable. This might add a small learning curve to tanking, which could lead to tanking being even less desirable to play than it already is.

Edit: Blizzard is really giving people what they asked for. Healer nerfs and Tank nerfs to make a slower and more complex game or whatever with consistent rot damage or frequent damage to make healers press healing buttons more often–

Unfortunately, I think everyone who asked for these changes is going to be hit hard when they find out the game is slightly more nuanced and creates even more imaginary hurdles for them. My biggest concern is we get 6 months into the expansion and the crowd who asked for these changes starts a mass exile and overall feeling of resentment towards Blizzard’s devs

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What is their end-goal.
To make it so Healers have to Heal frequently enough that they aren’t judged by their DPS?
I don’t think that’s a bad end-goal honestly for group content.