Tank nerfs across the board - Tanks no longer immortal - How do we feel about this?

The people that are requesting these changes are nostalgic for a time where tank healing / survival was a key piece of success or failure. In classic you can more or less heal the tank and spot heal / top off DPS. The damage curve in that instance “works” because you’re going far more slowly. Generally if a DPS dies it’s because they did something very, very foolish. That won’t be the case here.


I was just going to say, the good thing about healing now is the tanks are somewhat self sufficient and we had to keep DPS up. Don’t these changes impact healers just as much as tanks?

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Blizzard, on Monks: “However, we feel their overall magic damage mitigation is a little low compared to other tanks”

Also Blizzard, on Monks: “Yu’lon’s Grace now grants a magic absorb equal to 1% of your maximum health (was 2%) every 3 seconds (was 2 seconds).”

Showing again that nobody at Blizzard actually talks to each other.


It is a bandaid on a wound they refuse to treat.


How are we being “punished” again?

By having a 5 man group work like a basic trinity?

Is playing the game a “punishment” to you? Are you ok?


Making tanks more reliant on their team will make for a much better environment in groups, where everyone else was just an afterthought to tanks charging through dungeons. It makes solo levelling tank characters a bit more of a challenge, but they were way OP in that regard as it was.


No, it’s fun but really this will be tedious. Yes, that is the word tedious. It’s like the mythic plus change.

Is the change to a 9 really that relevant? No…It will be a joke for top tier players, it will make the wall higher for lower tier players and for players like me just a little more tedious than before.

At the end though I don’t like balance taking so many cues at what the best players do and do not in their gameplay.


what would be a punishment is having the old ways
star stun
moon sheep
box trap
nipple druid vines if we had the druid

Good thing none of that is happening so I guess no “punishment” is going out?

Basically this. I don’t think the community is keen to go back to a day where EVERY trash pull was 5 mini-bosses.


This change isn’t targeted at the top end, that is clear.

It’s about making a more basic party/trinity work together.

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I can’t wait to see dps die over and over again because healer was focusing me more than ever before.


These changes are for actual content not that 99 cent store random dungeons

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How’s the Yulon’s Grace nerf fit into that?

So much this.

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Oh, I get what they’re looking for and I say this because I play tanks nearly as much as I do my healers and have every single spec at 70 tank/heal wise.

We’re not nearly as immortals as they we are. Only Blood Death Knights are kind of but the trade off is you don’t be one shot on your initials pulls.

And the point isn’t that they’re targeting the top end. Is that the picture they’re painting IS THE TOP END.

And that I have a problem with.


Who knows, I think it’s a stupid designed talent anyway to just have a constant refreshing shield.

In DF it’s routinely about 8% of my “healing” as a MW (I know this is a post about tanks). All for picking a passive talent.

To be fair I think it’s a bit ridiculous for healers to be out healed every run by tanks but also only do half the damage that a tank does on top of it.

Dunno about you guys but it’s not really fulfilling to be a healer losing on the healing meters and being bottom of the dps meters too. Tanks should not be able to mathematically heal themselves for far more than you are capable of outputting as a healer. I would much rather see them capable of just mitigating the damage they take more effectively as opposed to being able to heal the damage or absorbing it while also counting as healing.

That being said, I don’t want to have to just babysit a tanks health bar and just spam healing into them all run long as that would not be fun. But I would rather stuff like shield block, demon spikes, bone shield, shield of the righteous, iron fur, stagger etc, just prevent more damage in the first place so it’s both rewarding for a tank who’s good at managing the uptime on their mitigation, as well as the healer not having to spam heals into them all run but able to heal the damage that’s been taken outside of the tanks mitigation.

At the end of the day healers are almost non existent now and i don’t blame them, it’s not a fun role in any way and is so unrewarding.


If you constantly need a bunch of external healing on your VDH, druid, or prot Paladin I’m a little wary.

This is going to bring back the S1 kite meta from shadowlands. Going to be a brutal xpac trying to find tanks if these changes go through