Taliesen responds to homophobes about Gay shadowlands couple

It’s the other way around, the males do go off to sleep in the Emerald Dream, while the females are the warriors and may have gay relationships. If anything that’s the way Blizzard should have done it to be consistent. But I’m not really against either.

So if I dislike lesbian relationships but like watching them on videos, where does that leave me? I’m confused.

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That doesn’t make any sense. It’s only been in the last few years that they have been actively expanding in China.

That would be a fetish, love.


Nah the male druids made more sense, with all of their transforming nonsense.

As an absolute hypocrite and a troll, obviously.


How incredibly rare… and very brave… to come out in support of gay people in 2020 of all times!

(from someone that’s been in a gay partnership for 15 years, I am tired of people using me for cheap virtue points)


I thought they were more into being Furries. :smiley:

This is where extremists get it wrong. You can not like the LGBT agenda but accept the people you are that way.

I have 2 step kids and my own daughter are all gay. I lived with a friend of mine what was gay as well.

My stepson came out to me he said I was the only one in his family I could trust. When he got married, his husband was my age. We all got along

My stepdaughter came out non-binary. She is now dating a trans man

My daughter just came out to me last week. She is dating a trans woman.

I love these kids. I would prefer they did not live this lifestyle but I accept it because I love my kids. I don’t hate anyone because of who they love. I am not gonna Love them because of it with.

So in the end, it is very easy to be @ 50%. No hate, with acceptance but definitively not a part of the movement.


You know my proplem is to many things force the elf races to be straight when elfs are not straight at all especially the men have 0 masculine attitudes so at the very least all elf men are bisexual…

Samd goes 4 ff tbh cloud has always been in love with guys but atleast ff let’s u choice his true nature that the usa filters limited because of said religions lol

Yeah, that sucks, and it happens all the time.

But when you were young, did you play video games with gay characters? Did you watch movies, TV shows, or read books with gay characters that weren’t written to be the most stereotypical, one-dimensional characters ever?

It was rare.

The intent doesn’t matter. The increase in representation and normalization does, both for insecure gay youth and impressionable straight youth.

That’s the point, and that’s why people arguing against it will always be 1. Wrong, and 2. Problematic.


No need to be confused! To put it plainly: you’re a lesbophobe (or a homophobe) and you simultaneously fetishize those you oppress. You only value us when it benefits you and outside of that, you’d like us to suffer. Does that explain it well?


Ok ty coxoxo

There’s the operant word. Normalized.

Representation will have worked when people see a gay relationship in media and respond with a resounding “neat” and nothing more.


Whats stereotypical about Dragon Age. Or Ellen Degeneres. Or Boy George, George Michael, Freddy Mercury? Annie Difranco, Mellisa Etheridge?

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Well, this thread is going places now, mostly to the world of no return!

“Love the sinner, hate the sin” is a really harmful way to treat your loved ones. They will never be fully accepted by you and they probably know it. Btw, LGBT people have no agenda but wanting to be seen as equal.


I’m all about loving the sin.

I practice all 7 with regular vigor and vim.


Thing is I have never wanted for representation, people like what they like and you arent going to argue a hateful person out of being hateful. Ignoring the obvious trolls that are insecure or hateful is the most effective way to make them go away. People blowing up the issue are just adding fuel to the fire or worse, just giving the troll the angered reaction they want.

Blizz is a silicon valley blue minded organization, I don’t think they’ll change their minds about representation (in our country anyway, they’ll do whatever china wants) so the trolls have no power, unless you give it to them by providing a reaction.

Everything you have written suggests that it is you that need to see yourself in the content you consume. Why is it you want reality sanitized so that entire sectors are not visible in the game?