Taliesen responds to homophobes about Gay shadowlands couple

hahaha! You have spend time obsessing about this. That is awesome.

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I’m doing the night shift at a hotel

The hotel happens to be closed so I get to sit here and watch Netflix and scroll forums, I have a lot of time to get my knickers in a twist at anything I want

What a life I lead

I just don’t think Ralph exists outside of the computer.

However has had managed to skirt the CoC is beyond me

The Ralph in the machine.

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You know you don’t need to come into these threads, right? You can actually skip right past or mute them. If you don’t like something, why go there? Is it to make yourself look better?

That’s been happening since man could think. It’s nothing new.

A passing reference, where someone mentions their husband, is shoehorned? :roll_eyes:

Anything LGBT related no matter how perfectly written or well excused will be seen as “forced” by many gamers TM who will make outrage threads and post about SJW agendas.

Remember tracer being gay COMIC and what it caused?

The fact that even a minor irrelevant reference to a character being gay can cause some people to start whining, you know it is huge if there’s an actual announcement.

Lmao they made a sequel vid about soldier 76

You can do the same to my comment, but here we are. People don’t need to make threads like these so they can feel good.

Tracer wears crocs. LOL

The first video had me dying with William Tell Overture.

Personally, I can laugh and shrug off much of the things that are said, but I’m not blind to the people out there who are harmed by those words and the backlash that comes with simply adding a gay character.

Btw, was amusing to see you in the Wowhead forums the other day. I was like, “That’s Ralph from the WoW forums.”

You mean the multiple comments through different threads? If it’s a one and done, I ignore a person but you felt the need to pop in and add nothing to more than one thread. And while you may feel these threads don’t need to be made you’re not the forum police. If it’s against the terms report it and move on otherwise you just come off as a tattletale and worse.

I’m not the one mass flagging threads or people with different opinions than me. I’m not part of Antifa. It is a bit absurd to have this many alphabet mafia threads though.


yeah, that’s crazy.

I really don’t care or i don’t think that is bad for the game to have different couples…

I just think that blizzard and other companies uses the minority group to make money when they are doing a bad job with their products.

Let’s see:

-The pvp scenario are really, REALLY bad;
-The garrosh ending history was widely criticized by a lot of players;
-They said that BFA don’t have the same history but, we almost did a second orgrimmar siege;
-The sylvanas history is a huge pile of crap (can’t say bad words here);
-We don’t have good characters in the history, the history of wow today is bad as hell…
-What in the actually hell was this n’zoth ending…my god…
-The corruption system brokened pvp;
-The corruption rotation is bad;
-There is no good ending content - warfronts, isle and pvp are really boring right now (actually those things was boring in the entire expansion);
-Blizzard needs to hold us using this Coalescing Visions and echoes farm. That’s not fun and a lot of my friends are doing old content.
-The last pvp championship (2 weeks ago) bring the answer about the pvp scene : destro locks, monge healers and fire mages…one or two good element shamans and that’s it.
-They removed the unique sets for class and put the sets for each type of armor…a huge amount of players complained…

So, i can keep going on…

The game is in a bad spot right now.
“Oh but , BUT, there is a girl couple in the history, how aren’t you saying a word about that”

Because no one cares. No one cares about couples in the WARcraft. We want a good game, a good pve scene, a good pvp scene, we want good sets, good animations, good gameplay, we want good enemys, we want a freaking huge corrupted old god.

Wow is not a novel. The last history about lor’themar and thalyssra - WHO ACTUALLY ARE TALKING ABOUT THAT ? NO - ONE - CARES !!!

In the end, blizzard, like all other companies will use the minority groups and politcs as a ultimate resource to get some attention and some profit…that’s only it.

Believe me, if united states starts to hate some minority group, companies will remove the targeted group from the game and will make them as an enemy just to make money.

Big yikes.

Taliesen is just cringe.

Signed: A gay man.


Dunno man, I love his stream and how he is the main streamer that isn’t afraid of talking trash to bigots and people who use subtle homophobia racism unlike others who would either avoid it or even start both sides the issue because that would upset his fan base.

Tali creates most of his current fanbase exactly because he is the kind of person that won’t shut up and say what is right and call out wrong people just like in his video in the op

Seems like you’re ascribing a lot to him due to one video where he simply spouts the mainstream safe narrative so I’m disagreement with your terrible take

Also I’ve never known him to be a champion to the progressive cause, just a Blizzard shill, a yes man with the revolting, skin-crawling charm and ticks of snake oil car salesmen. So again your opinion there is a massive reach

Can’t comment on Loti & Raal, but the rest is accurate. Blizzard’s writing team is not exactly what you call … high quality. They write by the seat of their pants and every so often they do manage to create a genuine jewel. But the majority of what they write comes across as episodic, meant to be cool rather than serious and completely lacking an understanding of continuity.

So yeah … I don’t trust them to write any kind of romantic relationship without it feeling forced or ridiculous.

I mean Tyrande and Malfurion’s “unspoken” relationship was fine … until the two had to take center stage. And then to say it felt like a high school student wrote it would be an insult to many high school students!

EDIT: As a writer, Know Your Limits!


And if you know that you know Gamers TM are going against that “mainstream safe narrative” and would be a lot more benefical to be a spineless coward like Bellular who nevers takes sides or both sides everything so he doesnt lose followers.

You clearly dislike Tali which is why you believe he is fake when quite literally he is the opposite because what he is doing, is not popular in this sphere and he is doing the right thing by going against the Gamer TM status quo

TBH we wont see eye to eye since I fundamentally disagree with your premise and your disposition. I don’t think taking a stance on tired, predictable issues such as LGB (rights that have been largely, firmly won in the cultural landscape and consciousness since the early 2000s) warrants a spine or lack thereof.

If anything, i respect people who don’t make a big deal about it because that to me, a homosexual who came out before it was in vogue, is true equality. No song and dance is done because a couple is straight (unless you’re a sad, teenage shipper writing fan fic but who cares about them). So why is there be so much drama about LGB.

Now i don’t really follow MS gaming culture so perhaps I’m wrong in my read there. But I’m pretty sure in the macro, I’m way more correct than you.

Cheers Ralph. May vehemently disagree with you, but i like that you make me think out my process.

Eh, sometimes. I think I’m just entertained by the way he speaks and handles things because that’s my type of humor. Him and Evitel also radiate sarcasm from their very souls, and I love sarcasm. Different strokes for different folks and all of that.

Except he’s not making a big deal about it. Exact opposite actually. He’s telling people who are making a big fuss about it to shut up and grow up.