Taliesen responds to homophobes about Gay shadowlands couple

That is absolutely sweet of Tally ho. I am a multitude of minorities: transgendered, queer, black, and a woman. We need all the help we can get out in this difficult world.

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It’s not that facts are scary, it’s just how they’re presented. It’s people that are scary. Christ, have you met any? They lie, cheat, steal, betray, murder, and a host of other things that are just as frightening and horrible. Give me a dog any day of the week, you feed them, give them water and they’ll die for you. People, pfft. And that’s how much I care about a gay couple in WoW.

Semper Fi! :us:

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are you going to create your own narrative about bones not showing too?


He did it when it was relevant to his content. What are you expecting from people?

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Tali was always pretty progressive in his views, of the topic came up during his streams he would always be in support and shut down any viewer that said homophobic or transphobic stuff, even if it was subtle he could see it and shut him down.

Like that guy that tried to imply lgbt and pedo is the same, he got instantly banned After simply saying to him ‘bruh’

People were shocked that a Night Elf was gay?

Haven’t they been gay in lore for years now?


You gotta be able to articulate how though, which you haven’t. Keep in mind I only brought up being a vet to speak out against how the Westboro Baptist Church protests our brothers and sisters funerals stating they deserved to die because the US tolerates homosexuality. This is directly related to this issue and what I posted it to.

As I said, sounds like a personal feelings issue on who is “acting obtuse and condescending”.

You haven’t shown how I’m acting entitled (or to what), how I’m being a brat, and then are saying you being a vet negates my experiences as a veteran.

Again who is “acting obtuse and condescending”?

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Because people like him are comfortable in their own world view and as soon as you challenge them with a different perspective or a reality that they wish to ignore, they get defensive and act like you’re taking over some fictional universe with an ‘agenda’ when that has never been the case, and all these marginalized people want is just some representation of their reality so they can feel more accepted in a world that already rejects their very existence.


Taliesin the dude who sperged out about “punching down” then “punched down” on heelvsbabyface or Taliesin the guy who made blizzcon question period all about himself.


Oh wow a youtuber said a thing


It’s this more about calling people who disagree with you a homophobe. While his videos are entertaining, he does have a long history of making baseless claims.

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Sorry I dont subscribe to the right’s and privileged kid’s ideology of “you cant call terrible human being terrible human beings based on what they say or do, now all such adjectives are meaningless because people keep calling terrible human beings terrible human beings, it has totes lost its meaning and I am not simply trying to find a way to avoid being called out for my actions”

Words still have a lot of meaning for the rest of us, maybe dont say or act in such a way where the word homophobe fits you very well ;^)

Why is it okay to discriminate against people based on their beliefs?

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If you remember, certain historical groups had certain beliefs that caused a world war.

Or you know had beliefs where they view people of different race, sexuality, gender as inferior and didnt want to give them rights.

But hey, I rly wonder why anyone would discriminate based on beliefs, it isnt like those beliefs are discriminating against other people, better leave them to discriminate against others I guess so I won upset the negative peace

Who says it was beliefs? Someone called it out as pandering, so Taliesin response was to call him or her a homophobe.

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Okay, so some discrimination is good and some is bad. That’s interesting.

Exactly, you cannot tolerate the intolerant therefore you have to be intolerant of the intolerant in order to keep a place/community/group safe, accepting and friendly.

The furry fandom knows all about that, while nerd/gamer forums and groups that chose to allow intolerant people in because “we cant be intolerant ever” are often now infested with unwelcoming and intolerant people who make many people feel uncomfortable and leave.

A good article about it: https://medium.com/@DeoTasDevil/how-white-nationalism-courts-internet-nerd-culture-b4ebad07863d

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So in order to combat intolerant people who make certain groups feel unwelcome, we must be intolerant of them and make them know they are not welcome.

Sounds good.

He didn’t? What kind of weird narrative are you spinning. The focus of his video is that there isn’t enough information and it’s heavily implied the first Night Warrior isn’t even a Night Elf because he was addressing the lore criticism.

Exactly, because people are different and should be judged individually based on their behavior, actions and what they say instead of having universal rules for everyone when clearly, not everyone is the same, some people are bad, you wouldnt welcome a confirmed criminal and his friends in your group because that will:

  1. Push actual genuine members away
  2. Influence the core of the group through time

To the point some communities become unrecognizable.

So yeah, that is why you check individuals instead of having universal rules.