Taliesen responds to homophobes about Gay shadowlands couple

I completely agree, I will always be intolerant of intolerance because you cannot tolerate the intolerant.

If you try to, you will be getting hijacked by the intolerant, but hey, keep going with your civility and negative peace : )

Do some reading on temperance, principles, and convictions. You’ve intentionally become what you hate, and I think that’s really sad. You don’t have to become a monster to fight them, and here’s the really funny thing. Spreading your intolerance only creates more intolerance.

Today some rando is going to read your drivel. I’m talking a moderate person. They’re not phobic, but they’re also not involved in the cause. What do they see?

A hateful self-proclaimed homosexual espousing intolerance and attacking anyone different than you. You are an example of a hateful bigot, and may be the only example some people see. They’re forced to admit that maybe those people on the right were correct, and that maybe there isn’t really a problem. Good job.

That does nothing positive for anyone. It just makes the world worse. I can’t change you. No one will. But I can call you out for disgusting intolerance.


God that is like 99.999% of the planet, got my job cut out for me D;

I can’t tell was he all cancel culture or put everyone in re-education camps.

Why is everyone so weird about this, maybe I dont wanna conform to anything

“Indeed, until certain people get into power and try to remove all the people they don’t like”
Like Marxist sjw blm rioters who hate straight white males and play identity politics? Probably best not to act like Nahtzees are the only bad guys out there, Marxism has wrecked more countries by now. There are definitely people who are keen to insert “diversity” everywhere and act like they’re Heroes for doing so, but I don’t have any problem with the occasional gay couple in wow or other media. It’s really no big deal.

It does actually.

I find folks like you can’t put your money where your mouth is.

I volunteered to die for folks in the US and for the US Constitution which enshrined equality. Even if justice is taking its time.

Do you have a “Support Veterans”, “Thank you Veterans”, or some variant bumper sticker? People are always “flaunting” these things. Do you know how many times I’ve been thanked?

I guess you don’t like that I’m using my personal experience and applying it a way you disagree with it. And lastly, who are you to tell me how I can utilize my own experience as a veteran? Do you not know how bizarre you sound? Consider the context of someone telling a combat vet they need a safe space/place.

You sound like the folks who demanded to know what active duty folks thought about repealing DA/DT and then when the results came in the majority thought it should be lifted and went berserk. It’s crazy to see the so called “patriots” turn on veterans though. “take yourself and shove it because that’s not how a veteran is supposed to act.”

He basically said those folks were acting in the extreme, blowing it out of proportion, and whiny.

I don’t disagree.

I do think you can tone down the attitude.

talie lmao

the panda guy is a weirdo btw

based af…

Did he? I must have missed that. What did he do/say?

Someone explain to me why this obvious YouTube shilling thread has still not been flagged yet.

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Oh people mass false report me no matter what thread I make because I am not a gamer TM that likes to sweep issues under the rug and instead brings them even more to the light by making detailed threads about them.

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Play games

You’re a gamer

Can’t avoid that label

By your standards I’m not a gamer tm too

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Wow… I have to reply to this… This specific post is all sorts of wrong and I just…can’t even. I don’t know. Why do people think like this? And for the record, I have read only 569 posts out of the 1104 posts (currently at the time of writing this reply) AND I also think Ralph (the OP) is actually talking some sense. So I actually agree with what he is saying. Now you guys can roast me or burn me on a stake all you want but there is truth in it.

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You see the issue?
Post like these are often completely ignored by most yet what brings attention to people is when people stand up against such not even subtle bigotry.

So from there I cannot see the people who purposefully ignore or choose to avoid such people while allowing them to spout their BS unopposed.

Yet the moment someone opposes them the silent crowd turns on that person for upsets g their fake negative quiet ‘peace’ or status quo

You mean when you spew intolerance, insult other people, and are otherwise antagonistic you get reported and people don’t like you?

You’re mean. You’re rude. You’re intolerant. People react accordingly.

You aren’t a freedom fighter. You’re an angry vitriolic troll thoring oil on a raging bonfire.