Taliesen responds to homophobes about Gay shadowlands couple

Doing the right thing is not ‘family content’ guys, everyone should be fake and spineless like bellular

And we found the terrible abusive parent who hides reality from their children in order to force his beliefs on them thinking kids are an extension of yourself.

Don’t worry, thanks to the internet kids learn about different sexualities and sex way before you ever become relevant

Of course you want to pretend that they are not right as this is up for debate, it isn’t


Its not family content if you’re bringing an adult political topic. Sorry, but it isnt. It’s not Taliesin that should decide when that topic should come up in my children’s education, so since he doesnt realize he has no right of doing that, my family is no longer watching him, simple as that.

Yeah, you’re absolutely right, I should totally be the parent that teaches his kindergarten aged kids sex ed stuff way before any school would.
Grow up man.


With all respect. Shut up. There is a reason why sex ed is usually for people at 10-13. Kid’s can’t really comprehend any of it for the first 8-10 years of their life much less about homosexuality.

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Maybe I’ll get some flack for this, but I believe in equality, not supremacy. I like just treating people like they’re people.

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You do realize sex ed=sex & sexuality right?

There is nothing special about homosexuality, it is part of all sexualities like hetrosexuality, bisexuality, pansexuality, polysexuality, demisexuality etc

In addition they wouldnt be the first abusive parents who hid the existence of homosexuality way past 15-16 if they can.

Thankfully the internet and media these days make that impossible.

Me too, unless people are not treating others like people so I am treating them they way they treat others : 3

Do you like think statements like that make you sound good

Do you understand why people disagree with you so much?

Your attitude is horrible


But I also dislike this current trend of Corporations throwing a minority character of some sort into their product and acting like they’ve done the greatest deed in the world. It’s demeaning, and it’s only done in self interest.

I don’t think Blizzard is doing this, nor do I think personas like Taliesen are trying to capitalize on it. But it does seem to be happening, which I think sort of explains the distrust people sort of have

We know that, corporations only want money and dont give a damn about anyone.
Though in this case the sexuality part is so irrelevant I am pretty sure it was just something the devs decided to add.

The thing is, you dont see people whining when str8 couples are added even though they serve no purpose, and that is our point.
Plus because there’s still a big number of people who are uncomfortable with homosexuality existing and want to live in the delusion that we dont exist, reminding them we will always exist even through trash representation is a bonus for me because delusions should always be broken and attacked head on so they dont develop further.

It is a dying world view that needs to die asap.

I dunno man. Life is pretty good, and most people out there are pretty accepting of all walks of life. Seems like were all just at the mercy of extremists these days, because they flood the internet with their beliefs.

I don’t see a problem with it honestly as a Bi person myself. Its just like “Oh a gay couple” cool now let me go kill stuff and get loot. It reminds me of the Tracer/76 Gay topics on the OW forums. Had much of the same response minus the lore cause lets be honest. There isn’t that much lore that I personally know of outside of dev update videos. “Oh Tracer likes other women and 76 likes other men?..cool now let me go kill things and get loot boxes”. Now for the topic of Night elf Paladins…yes please may I have another? In general i’m happy learning about couples in my favorite games. As much fun as it is to ship characters its nice to have lore from the developers that say “x” and “y” are together. Even if it may not be some like big thing in the story its still nice that it exist.

You are the most disgustingly intolerant bigot I have ever seen on these forums. Almost every one of your posts reads like this.

You are doing far more damage to the cause that you claim to support then any of the people you regularly insult and demean.


Heard of stonewall riots?

Gay rights werent given to people in the US because they asked nicely.

But hey, keep defending your negative peace and pretending fake civility means anything to people who know how the world works

How does the tragic mistreatment of homosexuals justify you insulting and demeaning heterosexuals, as you just did, and do all the time?

Gaining rights has been a terrible struggle. You are a bigot. These two facts are unrelated. Using mistreatment of gays as an excuse to demean others just shows what a hypocrite you are.

All you do is spew hate. You should be ashamed.


Only the ones who deserve it, I have not demeaned anyone who I judged as not deserving based on their behavior.

No reason to treat ok people bad, a ton of reasons to for terrible human beings : )

Innocent people are safe from me

Good thing the game is rated T then~

Lay down your weapons my brother. This fight has consumed you

Sorry, seems like I am stuck in combat, blame blizzard bugs

Good luck to you, my friend

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They were never family content, they were WoW content.

Lol are you serious?

You can’t make blanket statements, and then pretend to only be talking about some people. Demonizing an entire group for the actions of a few is wrong, and you do it all the time.

That makes you a hypocrite, and only stirs up people because they see your intolerance and assume that you speak for a community you absolutely do not speak for.

In some ways I hope people are right, and that you are a troll. The other option is icky, and is the one I suspect is right. I’ve seen too many comments belittling people who think or act differently, while claiming you’re fighting for rights.

Nah, you’re just intolerant =/