Taliesen responds to homophobes about Gay shadowlands couple

Did you need a safe space?

Considering I’ve been around people dying around me, things blowing up, limbs etc.

I think I’m fine.

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I don’t think you are. I’ll donate a pink one for you to plop in.

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Alrighty, make sure it’s at the VA for me.

What’s funny is 10 years ago, the trend was, “we just want to get married, not force our lifestyle on you!”

Today, what do you have?

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What’s being forced?

And what lifestyle?

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Are you being intentionally obtuse?

Not at all.

I think you are. Do you want me to demonstrate how?

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In before, “bigot”, “homophobe”, “racist”, etc.


Ah, so I was right.

You don’t care but yet you are here posting about it. This is a contradiction and in-congruence.

Some of those children are and have been gay since time immemorial, so what and how exactly is validating their existence wrong?

If we roll back the clock ~60-70 years maybe less, we had children witnessing lynching other humans for no strong cause as “okay”. It was okay that teenagers went in to a part of the city and beat or killed someone (so murder and assault) with no charge of a crime. It was okay to tell children that women don’t deserve to have birth control etc. Or that a wife can be beat by their husband and either “we don’t talk about it” or the husband is okay to not be charged with a crime because I’m sure you know it was okay to rape your wife until the 1970s, right?

SO what trash do you speak of?

What is your resistance to change and why do you appear to be afraid of it? Especially from my standpoint, it appears like we’re moving to a more civil, humane, and respectable place.

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You “honestly dgaf” but you and your sub-par ilk sure do manage to “gaf” when the rare non-heteronormative relationship shows up. Then, you sound the clarion call for every other chud to form the Manbaby Chorus, screeching like infants about how bad it is that men can be romantic with other men, backpedaling when your tissue paper points are shredded with the swiftness.

You are the anthropomorphic avatar of degeneracy and filth, too lacking in even the slightest critical thinking ability to consider that maybe, just maybe, you’re in the wrong. A scrub in the truest sense, angry that reality exists as it is.

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Sooo…homosexuality is now “degenerate trash”? And of course, we have the “think of the children” ridiculousness.

And really, if you care soooo much about “the children” why do you let them them play a video game where every player controlled.character is a sociopathic muderder?

Said the one who went after a veteran needing a safe place… rolls eyes

Yes because somehow things like Loud House, Kipo, Dragon Prince, She-ra, Voltron will suddenly turn people gay.

Meh, many game have managed to avoid any major backlash even when gay characters are added. Of the more recent ones, Fire emblem(really if there was any backlash is was because of how few gay options there were), Harvest Moon now allows you to marry anyone of any gender. The Outer World, Greedfall, Borderlands 3, even Animal Crossing is now more lgbt+friendly.

Aren’t you glad that Mr. T had us throw mowhak grenades and not glitter bombs.

  1. No one cares.
  2. Stop trying to create some massive issue where one doesnt exist.
  3. People need to stop using talking point catch phrases and understand what the word “phobia” means.
  4. You keep using that word, I don’t think it means what you think it means.
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Never did like glitter, it is so hard to clean.

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Nothing about depicting a man and a woman in a relationship is inherently heteronormative.

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Who are you posting to? Do you know what aversion means?