Taliesen responds to homophobes about Gay shadowlands couple

You mean how marik had a wife? Clearly they added that str8 couple for str8 political pandering since it could have been anything from their brother to child.

But hey, gotta push that str8 agenda ;^)

So, blizzard is doing the same thing that they did in overwatch :



It’s just a thing that companys learned in the recently years…lgbt couples make profit in histories…

Wow’s profit are low, so…PUSH THE BUTTON…

The lgbt-organization are being used to make money for the last 5~7 years, the company REALLY don’t care about organizations or groups, they want money, MONEY dudes…

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You mean normal people?

Just for the record since you seem like the type to jump on it, normal doesn’t mean right and abnormal doesn’t mean wrong.

You snowflakes are insane.
Blizzard is not even advertising with this or anything.

It’s something data mined.

he might do what is right, but outside of his work. It is unprofessional to include your political views in any kind of work unless you work politically or in social work. He is a game news channel. nothing more, nothing less.

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Thank you Youtuber for validating my opinion…

Now, back to topic, cant say that I care as Ardenweld just feels like fancy Val’Sharah with all the druid mystic stuff and its kinda filed under “Cant say that I care, lets see how the quests go”

This in particular is a mountain out of a molehill since there already was a night elf lesbian couple and elves usually experiment with sexuality and are way more prone to not caring about gender anyway.

“It is unprofessional to talk about what is right and wrong and talk about your personal beliefs at work”
Ever wondered why there’s such culture at work? Just like there’s a culture of “dont discuss salaries”?

The only one who benefits from such cultures are the ones above, you are not benefiting by hiding who you are because your beliefs are a major part of what kind of person you are, unless you are a spineless coward and just adopt beliefs to please the audience for your own profit.

There is nothing wrong with being honest and support what is right at work or anywhere, hiding the truth on the other hand is quite bad and spineless.

What is there to hide if politcal news don’t belong in gamer news? It is inapprpoiate to just include your political views for the reasons of just cause I can.

You’ll get no argument about that but it seems way too frequently that it only goes one way, and the opposite way is considered wrong.

Case in point: Saying it’s not a big deal to have a gay couple in a game = fine. Saying there’s no reason for it or it didn’t need to be added = wrong.

Double standards, yo.

I don’t even follow the lore or play with sound, so I could have missed this entirely. Thanks for pointing out, that’s kind of cool.

This is nonsensical on different levels.
1.) Yes this should not be a big thing for Night Elves. So don’t cray.
2.) This Night warrior was very likely not a Night Elf. So it’s nonsensical to talk about this.
3.) Some people here are crying about “marking” and such stupid things or “agendas” and it’s not even promoted.

At the end this could even be a race with only one gender (I don’t think so, but it’s fantasy).
Listen to the text, it is likely a new race.
But snowflakes are gone melt anyways.

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To be fair I think the whole “agenda” thing only comes from the fact that so many things are pushing an agenda so it’s immediately suspected.

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I think people need to realize WoW doesn’t just appeal to first word countries.
A lot of the audience is based in countries where being gay is still frowned upon and not ok.

Glad I’m not from those places, but the reality is we will deal with hatred towards gay couples in games for a good while to come, and we won’t change their opinion on an online game forum.

I would have preferred a less stereotypical gay character personally, I think an elf being empowered by this star-powered feminine force to become this “night warrior” is a little on the nose when it comes to stereotypes.
It also alludes to gay characters in Warcraft being this rare, old fashioned phenomenon. I think it should have been a modern character and under normal circumstances.

But hey, I’m not gay and if people who are gay think it’s fine then why should I care?


And therefore you just admitted of having double standards just like Tali said.

Why does the alphabet mafia get so much free real estate on these forums?

Because every time you call us the “alphabet mafia” we get more powerful.

F in chat I guess?

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Not everything needs to change to fit your viewpoint.

Never said it did.

What probably should change though, is the use of pejoratives like ‘gaystapo’, ‘rainbow mafia’ & ‘alphabet mafia’ to refer to the LGBTQI+ community. They come from some pretty homophobic places.

I can’t force you to stop from using it though.


I will when they stop trying to ram their delusions into everything.