Taliesen responds to homophobes about Gay shadowlands couple

For some reason, most men who are straight seem really into that.

I don’t get it… Then again women are just as guilty. But reversed. Trust me. I know.

We are mostly visual creatures and so visual things like that turn us on.

Bingo bingo

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I don’t know about you but I think this is unnecessary and slightly sickening. Will I meet these elvers while journeying? Do they like, make sexual references to deepen the plot?

Ya he’s always been a hypocrite. I don’t like Asmon, but at least he owns being what he is.


The reason I made this point is that just because I don’t wave a flag, put in the latest #, call for the cancel of everyone that disagrees doesn’t mean I am an ally of.

I specifically used that point as my stepdaughters father was threatening her if she went to see her girlfriend. I tried to diffuse the situation and offered to take a day off from work and take her. Her dad would have none of it as he was the stereotypical bigot people on here throw out. As things got heated I said in no way shape or form was I NOT going to take her.

I went there because its easy to go “I support this”. It east to post an emoji or a #. Its easy to add a flag to your profile.

Its harder to march.

Most people don’t have the stones to stand up to a physical confrontation even for something they believe in. Let alone something they don’t agree with.

Than have someone tell yo-yo are not an ally because no #. SMH

so where’s my ally? i’m part native american but mostly caucasian. been in a coma that nearly killed me and messed up my short term memory. had breast cancer and my breast removed, which put me in early menopause. the chemotherapy ruined my vision and gave me diabetes. i have rheumatoid arthritis so bad, my fingers are all pointing in the wrong direction and i have dropsy from it too, have problems opening containers or even typing. typing this is actually physically painful. i get bouts of gout because i have found eating only proteins, keeps the diabetes from getting worse.

oh before i went in the coma, i went slowly insane from an infection in my brain. that was more painful than any physical pain. it made me suicidal and made me empathetic for people with mental distress.

meanwhile, i’m being told i’m responsible for crimes people i dont even know, committed up to 1000s of years ago. that i should be ashamed of myself and bow to my superiors, listen to their problems and pretend mine dont exist or that it doesnt matter that they exist because i’m whatever color, whatever gender. i am irrelevant. my feelings are irrelevant. i’m human trash.

the people i’m being an ally for, hate me for something i have no control over but want me to speak up for them for something they have no control over.


Because straight romances people don’t tend to question because it isn’t trying to deliver any kind of message. Which with gay couples this should be the case, it should just be something we notice and don’t care about seeing. Problem being, every time it’s done it’s literally a political point scoring move rather than “Eh writing the character this just kinda fit for them.” Right now in games or any form of entertainment it feels less of an organic thing like “Oh yeah, and they are gay but it isn’t their sole character.” The issue is with how homosexual couples in games don’t feel organic and feel hamfisted that it feels like a cheap tossaway to score political points. Basically just having a token gay couple with zero effort, no character, they just exist and are gay. As a trans person I’d be pretty annoyed if Blizzard just made a transgender character just to say they had one. If that was how they were when we meet them or it’s something they come to in an organic fashion, it wouldn’t bug me. If it feels like a token to sate a minority of people complaining for one, it’s more of an offense than a nod.

I.E JK Rowling who in her books did pretty much say Dumbledore was gay but she pretends that it was like a core defining aspect of the character when most people probably forgot entirely about it because it was such a small footnote in the actual story. AKA the way it should be. If they’re gay cool, nobody except fringe lunatics on both sides are going to care, but don’t boil that aspect of them down to a token just to say you were socially progressive.

Especially since a lot of these companies are doing so for monetary reasons rather than doing any form of hinting. They wouldn’t have dared try this when the time for these things was 10-20 years ago, they’re only doing so now because it’s politically convenient as in they won’t get any flak aside from very behind people, and maybe a group that will rake them over the coals because this couple either has no substance, or will be integral but their core defining character traits will be their sexuality and not their personality.

TLDR - Your sexuality isn’t the bulk of your identity, if they’re going to entertain this give it organic effort and make it feel right. Don’t boil them down into a token just to state a message and say “WE HAVE A GAY COUPLE, SEE?!” Doing this you’ll end up angering the people you’re trying to appeal to.

We have too much in common. :frowning:

Edit - I am an ally in your illness. Endure well.

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have you heard the passage in question? there’s a voice over of it, and its actually quite well done.

I’m not even worried about this. My main worry is that Night Fae are cutesy satyrs. And if the internet taught me anything about Satyrs…


We’re already drowning in it with the regular satyrs, this won’t do much worse.

Just you wait till they become playable.

Did you mean: Draenei

Now you listen here you darn goat…

I’m listenin~

/leans in…
you were saying?

what happened? which part? all of it? even the coma and slow insanity part?

Ah yes this character being LGBT is clearly secret l33t political agendas, Tali already btfo your logic but ok, you will label anykind of gay couple as political because the idea of a gay being in the game is political to you.

Our existence is not political, get used to it because more and more media are including LGBT people because we are the norm whenever bigots like it or not.

No. If it makes sense sure but adding a gay couple just for the sake of diversity is political pandering.

Media is including it because it’s the “in” thing to do and you face backlash from immature bullies who screech like children if they don’t feel represented enough and nobody has the guts to tell them to sit down and shut up.

Now in this particular case, elves are shown to not care about sexual orientation anyways so really who cares either way. But there’s enough “muh diversity” going around it taints legitimate actions too.