Taliesen responds to homophobes about Gay shadowlands couple

  1. Where were the threads he was talking about? I haven’t seen them.
  2. Who has a problem with gay characters? The main issue I’m aware of with “tokenism” is actually a critique levied by the LBTQIAAP community against stereotyped gay characters or characters whose story arc is that they are gay and don’t change (Netflix does this all the time. They have 3-4 characters that have story arcs and then 1 character that “is gay” and that’s about as deep as they go with that character.)

Character 1: I have to slay the demon lord, who is also my father, and save my girlfriend while also mastering the demon magic inside my soul."
Character 2: “I’m gay and sometimes people are mean to me but at the end of the show they die or apologize.”

^ This is the Netflix way. It’s a disservice to actual gay people who live lives that involve things other than being gay, like having jobs, families, hobbies, challenges, etc.

The character in question in T&E is a character that has an actual story and happens to be gay, like a normal gay person. That’s the best. No one should have an issue with the dead Night Warrior.

Looks like these people are reinforcing the stereotype that millennials are a hateful, spiteful, wrathful bunch who want to subjugate anyone under their mental rule while also calling anyone free thinking against them the dreaded “N” word.

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Here is exactly how I believe but I will use and example with my son (I like to use him in talks because he is very important to me). He is 23 and Autistic (neurologists says about level of a 12 year old). He has other mental disabilities and will be disabled for life. One of the only things he does in life is WoW. I am going to compare my support forone of his eccentricities in WoW to my support for my other kids the LGBTQ lifestyle. Its similar in that he was born this way and I just accept it even if I don’t agree with it.

My son has an issue with Achievements, characters and accounts. He can’t have an achievement for a character that is not the character on his account. He can only have one. If he ever changes a character (he has up to 4 times in a month) he has to delete his account. Even has to delete the email address used with the account. Everything gone - he even gave up Alar after a 6 year hunt because achievement said wrong character. I have seen well over $1000 over the last few years because of this.

I don’t agree with his need to do this. I think its wrong. I think its crazy. I would never do it myself. But, as long as he is happy, he isn’t hurting anyone else and we can afford it, I tell him to go for it. I try to remind him what’s he is losing, but technically he is an adult and can make his own decision. I just support what he does. Like I did my other kids LGBTQ+ lifestyle.

Does that mean I hate him? Does that mean I want him thrown in Jail? Thrown out of my house? No, it just means we disagree and that USED to be ok.

I am squarely in the middle on LGBTQ+ issues IMHO. I don’t threaten people who are. I don’t want them banned. I don’t want them beat up or killed (like in other parts of the world). All I am gonna say is you do you and ill do me. I am not gonna bend the knee to anyone. I will fight and support for those I care about who are (family and friends) and if you think that’s less than the using a rainbow emoji, I feel sorry for you. In my entire life I have never had someone stand up for me physically and I am shocked you would feel entitled to it.


The Night Warrior was a thing before the Night Elves… this first Night Warrior isn’t even a Night Elf, he’s something else from another planet that is not Azeroth. Elune is a GODDESS, she’s not tied to Azeroth only.

I want to address this a bit. First of all, I am not expecting anyone to stand up for me physically. It was never said or stated in any of my posts. I’m confused if you think I’m part of the LGBTQ community because I’m not; I’m simply an ally for them.

Secondly, being an ally doesn’t mean I expect to go beat up people who disagree me. I don’t know why your point escalated to that. Being an ally means consistently listening to, boosting, and supporting other human beings. It also means speaking up when something is said about them.

the way i see it = respect is mutual. i dont expect you to bow to me, and i dont expect to bow to you. it doesnt get any more complicated than that.


Take care you don’t end up as cannon fodder. Be very careful how much control you allow others to have with you.

That goes for every person on this planet, power corrupts, and destroys if it goes to only one person’s head in a movement.

If you see ANY corruption around, run, don’t stay, or you will be consumed.

Support for causes is a great thing, but also can be a curse.

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It really isn’t prevalent on what sexual preferences do characters have nor does it have to be accentuated.

What truly matters is the lore that’s consisted within WoW and I reckon what we should be concerned is the unrelenting retcons that blizzard keeps contradicting themselves or going for one way off the direction…but the sexual orientation and preferences isn’t relevant nor should it be excersized to be taken down

I agree with you, but I just don’t see it wrong to align my views with other human beings who are living their versions of their best life’s. No one is controlling me. I have choice in how I decide to stand up for them and support them.

thats the american spirit. we’re fiercely independent. but dont even begin to suggest we can be forced into doing something against our wills, and be happy about it - cause that ain’t happening.

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That’s good, and always be on the lookout for any corruption.

I was backstabbed by people who were calling themselves part of that very group. They don’t at all stand for all of them, but it has soured me from giving that cause support in the future.

It was my fault for not seeing it coming. There’s always saboteurs in movements.

That won’t really deter me though. There’s monsters in every movement ever created. Their monstrous behavior doesn’t change my opinion on how humans should be treated respectfully and equally, even if it’s demoralizing.


If only I had your tenacity… unfortunately I’ve become cold as ice.

Maybe people like you will melt this icy prison I put myself in.


What helped me is reminding myself that allying myself with the LGBTQ community wasn’t about me. My feelings were pushed aside; it is THEIR voices who need to be heard.

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i’m an ally. but i’m my own version of an ally. not some version someone else made up. i may or may not help with something, depending on my mood, bank account or state of health. this is the same freedoms that should be alloted to everyone.

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Stick to your lane. No one is asking you to ride every lane at once.

You’re intelligent for being able to think that way; most can’t.
Thank you for being an ally. We need you. :orange_heart: :white_heart: :heart:


Virtual high fives! Or hugs, if you’re a hugger. I’m a hugger.

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I’m such a hugger. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I don’t care what sexuality a fictional character is. I also have zero interest in looking at an intimate romance between two guys when I’m not attracted to guys at all. Now two women… hmmm that’d be nice to see!