Taliesen responds to homophobes about Gay shadowlands couple

You could call it that.


Well done Tali, well done Blizz.

Sounds like a pretty cool story bros, can’t wait for more.


not really sure I understand the arguments anyways

the only agenda I see being pushed is from people complaining over datamined flavor text from an unincorporated part of an alpha. Can’t even critique it yet but that hasn’t stopped people from trying

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I love T&E in general but they seriously nailed it this time around. The mental gymnastics people start performing in order to complain whenever a LGBTQ character is introduced into a game is absolutely ridiculous. And it’s not just WoW. It’s literally every game out there.

A gay character will appear or a character will mention their same sex partner in a conversation and an entire section of that games fanbase will start crying tears of blood about “agendas” or how it somehow breaks their immersion if there is a gay character in “their” game. It’s pathetic.

Luckily as time has gone on these tantrums are getting smaller and smaller as people in general become less ignorant on the subject. But sadly I’m sure there will always be a small portion of any community that will throw a hissy fit when an LGBTQ character is introduced.


And I don’t care. I’m going to call him trash.

I would love to play World of Lovecraft!

Ph ’ nglui mglw ’ nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah ’ nagl fhtagn!!

Yay tentacles!!

Most, if not all, homosexuality references are removed from international content in China. And we all know Blizz bends over backwards to them on anything they like to virtue signal about in America.

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I mean, I get where Taliesen is coming from. I feel the same way. I usually enjoy Taliesen and Evitel vids anyway, and it’s even better when a good point is made.

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Nobody cares the only people who do care are like the 5 people that still play this game that actually hate gays and the 100 influencers that are trying to act like they’re a bigger deal then they really are for clout.

I start playing after WoW was good, yes, but I also know that there’s a steamy romance about that shirtless guy in alliance garrison (Raven or something).

If they don’t have some boogeyman to always be on the attack for, their narrative falls apart and they have nothing to grandstand on a soapbox on how woke they are.

Making your own enemies to play the heroic paladin.

Real life Don Quixote.

what an awful post and an awful video
hard cringe

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What do you mean attacks? It’s just silly responses. It’s what a lot of people do, they call it “an attack” if they don’t like it.

You do know the internet is the “Talk poop, get booped” kinda of place? even on the internet where you can say pretty much anything, it’s not without it’s consequences.

You know what i meant by “kicked out of a culture”. I do understand the example you set for me, i just don’t 100% agree with the notion.

Agreeing isn’t understanding, Disagreement isn’t not understanding. And Vice versa.

Correct. They can influence you, but ultimately, that removal of beliefs is up to you.

I suppose in Gamer’s case, Video game journalists and any sort of racism and etc.

I suppose here what you are saying is “violence starts when the oppressed group gets oppressed for long” And i do agree with that, i just don’t think resorting to violence should be an option especially we have better ways beat the oppressors. Not to mention, the oppressed people aren’t exactly blameless either if they started to do violent acts and such. Or become worse then the Oppressor.

Not to mention, with violence, it never stops there, it keeps on going.

You can have noble goals, but your execution of said goals will tell a different story.

isn’t this what your doing, for all intent’s and purposes?

Also why do you people put swears or slang like that if you know your gonna get the comment fl-- oh whatever. :man_facepalming:

Well if that’s what you want to call the back and forth were doing
 You do you. :man_shrugging:

Well here’s the point of that meme. It’s edgy humor and the idea is shock value for comedy. We laugh at it cause it’s untrue and absurd. It’s like making a meme called “All Americans are Mcdonalds eating blobs, and constantly gets the second amendment wrong”. Obviously not every American is like that. And we just laugh that off.

Agreed. I think in terms of power, you would be hard pressed to say it’s either of those things.

Okay, so Ridiculing them. Alright

Again, you do know people have the power to just ignore or walk away from people ridiculing you on the internet? They don’t have to just stand there and just take it? i mean, you aren’t unfamiliar with that since you have ignored a couple of posters already, so you know how powerful it is, whether it be annoying you or picking out examples. You practically declawed them against you by choosing to block them, meaning you don’t want to associate with them.

Yes, the internet allows you to say whatever you want with consequences. You can also ignore the people saying whatever they want with consequences. Yes ignoring people does come with consequences. Pretty much anything does.

I’m not about silencing people for their opinions and beliefs. While i don’t necessarily agree with them, they do have a right to hold those beliefs and opinions, so i just don’t associate with that kind of person.

i really don’t understand the “sitting down on somebody” is a gay thing at all

Okay, this one i can get behind here.

I will say this, being LGBT, or minority itself isn’t inherently political. I just think it references to something that is slowly being co-opted with something political.

Theirs nothing wrong with adding an LGBT or minority person in the game. It’s about how it’s presented here. I know you dislike that notion, but hear me out.

In 2012, Assassin’s Creed 3 has a Native American for our protagonist, Connor Kenway. Obviously Assassin’s Creed does deal with political events and such in history (albeit in a fictional, almost sort of fan fiction sort of way) due to taking place in real places like the Italian renaissance era, American revolutionary war, and etc. and that is perfectly fine, we accepted that. It’s a science fiction sort of game where we hop into The Matrix ripoff machine to experience the events of our ancestors long time ago to search for an ancient relic.

In 2014, when Unity was released (and it’s years 1789 to 1799, French Revolution), people were for some real reason, crossed at the idea that there is no female protagonists in Assassin’s Creed Unity with it’s 4 player Co-Op

..I guess they never heard of Aveline de Grandpré from Liberation or didn't think making Female assassin's in 3's online didn't count... Or ever played 1 or 2 to know that female assassin's do exist but as rarity cause those games take place like 1000 to 500 years ago where the world was a much different place then.

Then in 2015
 and come to think of, all of Ubisoft’s products these days, Assassin’s Creed Syndicate not only has a playable female protagonist to play as (Theirs two protagonists to switch from, Jacob and Evie Frye), but female enemies to fight as well. That’s all well and good, right? Well
 A normal person can point out that the game takes place in 1868, Victorian-era London.

Now sure, you can argue that history does have errors here and there, new information shows up every day that disproves our theories and history on it, heck sometimes the government likes to erase stuff in history, mostly in school books. But the point i’m trying to make here is Ubisoft put that in there, in response to the people who are complaining about it and willing to bend history/art for it to happen.

Lets not forget that 3, Unity and Syndicate wern’t received that hot to begin with because the gameplay in those 3 are severely repetitive and lacking, and the story is pretty repetitive as well. Unity was pretty darn broken at launch and 3 and Syndicate pretty much just snoozers. I know somebody will say “but i love those games”, sure, it just the majority didn’t like it. You’re not wrong for liking those games by the by.

I could go on, but this part and this comment is insanely long enough as it is.

So you think the comments that don’t seem to mind it or not all on board about it is subtle homophobia?

I’m not in the business of silencing people for beliefs or opinions i dislike.

I can ridicule people for it, but again
 read my comment before.

So if you think it’s false, why are you giving that attention?

Why do you want to talk about politics in places where it’s not a great place for them? Is around a watercooler at work really a great place for it? Especially since you have a job and you’re getting money to feed yourself?

Also, is avoiding wanting to talk politics is racism now? That’s just silly. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I get that Video games are a slightly better place in that regard, but people have the power to
 again, block the chat, ignore the user, and other stuff that i’m not going to repeat for the 5 zillionth time. Video games aren’t typically a platform where civil and intellectual discussions of irl politics foster. And same with some cornerstones of the internet as well.

However, you can for instance, open up a server, on discord or website where you can have the people talk about political stuff all you want. And there are websites and servers already for that sort of thing.

And you have the right to ridicule the person for it. The person also has a right to ignore you, defend himself or ridicule you back and vice versa. Freedom of Speech, all that.

Ralph, this is the internet like you said where everybody can say anything you want. This also comes with the choice of responding however you want.

You do realize the Left’s ideology isn’t much better either?

My problem with any sort of ideology if it’s taken to the extreme and those people, right or left, don’t always want to accept that middlegrounds/gray areas exist or think it’s is a invalid place to stand on and it has to be 100% against or with us.

You can think some of the left ideas are good and still think some of the right’s ideas are good. There is no right or wrong answer to this, and saying that “picking a side i dislike is wrong and i no longer take you seriously” is a pretty bad attitude to have, cause what you are saying is “i’m not going to listen to you, my word is law and i’m not interested in having a debate with you”. At the same time, if you are going to say theirs bad people on the side i dislike, you have to also accept theirs bad people on the side you like.

Or the very least, people you DON’T want to be representing for a particular group.

Were both centralists, but i think we can both agree that neither of us should be the representatives for that particular group. And we aren’t even in that particular group at all, it’s just our beliefs.

I litteraly said i didn't.


I don’t often check the news like USA or world. I say often, implying i do at all, but i don’t do it always. One in a while i will.

I just mostly check out Tech cause it’s more of my interest points
 That is provided if i want to know the news at all. Sometimes i check Science and Health and so on.

I don’t have a Facebook or Twitter account and so far, i never felt the need or desire to have one.

Well it hasn’t been taken down, but i would assume those links aren’t okay with Blizzard due to the links of violence and such, and it’s violates the rules.

Either that or your usege of slang/swear words got your comment flagged which would be the most likely answer.

Edit: And you just deleted the comment. :confused:

Here is my take on this and I am gonna point out, most of these arguments are not straight black/white most have a grey area. Its just some see the grey as the black area.

In terms of gay marriage you have 3 main options

  1. Gay marriage can’t happen - its illegal
  2. Churches who want to marry gay people can, but churches beliefs who do not support this are allowed to say no.
  3. Gay married is the law and every single church must perform the ceremonies or shut down.

To me, option 2 is best. It allows gay marriage but supports religious freedom. I mean I don’t understand why someone would want to married in a religion that teaches being gay is not an acceptable lifestyle but that just me. This allows freedom for everyone and NO ONE is under another thumbs and forced to be something they are not.

It is kinda like the baker situation -certain Christian bakers are sued, but never Muslim (who generally are strongly again LGBTQ -moreso than Christians) nor are Jewish Bakeries. This is why many say its a political stance the only ones attacked are those who lean right, but religions that align with the left (but have even more right leaning beliefs) are never under the gun.

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The freedom of opinions or beliefs is a human right.

I pulled from this from a quick google search. :point_down:

  • The right to equality and freedom from discrimination.
  • The right to life, liberty, and personal security.
  • Freedom from torture and degrading treatment.
  • The right to equality before the law.
  • The right to a fair trial.
  • The right to privacy.
  • Freedom of belief and religion.
  • Freedom of opinion.

And your saying we can’t have an opinion on human rights. Isn’t that just violation of the Freedom of Opinion right there? The Freedom that we can have an opinion on anything we want? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Call me terrible person for questioning your usage of Human rights, but i don’t think you fully understand what your doing here is going against the human rights itself when you start labeling people’s beliefs as “objectionably wrong and going against human rights” and saying “You can’t have an opinion on human rights.”.


Possibly because said religion has taken over the country as the main one and has power and influence.

There is a reason Christian weddings are the norm and not Buddhist weddings.

Though thankfully there’s political marriage now so we can ignore reliigous ones


Someone fill me in on the night warrior business. I have no idea what’s going on.

Yea I’ll fill you in. A whole bunch of Karen’s are getting their nickers in a twist in a muchadoaboutnothin.

Just lol and move on folks. Nothing to see here.

This hellstorm is literally being caused by literally three lines of text on an irrelevant to the main story fetch quest.