Taliesen responds to homophobes about Gay shadowlands couple

So the original night warrior apparently is gay? I haven’t paid much attention to SL spoilers yet. But that’s it?

In a nutshell yes.

You have Ralph’s side all acting like Don Quixote.

And those against him too foolish to know he’s a troll.


Oh. ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎

Weird that since china owns blizzard, league etc i wonder why tencent doesn’t tell them, “we don’t believe in gay people here in china so don’t put them in your game” and same with all the other western stuff.

Don’t like a Gay couple? “Bigot/Homophobe”
Don’t like a straight couple? “Go ahead nobody cares”

I’m starting to see why people generally do not enjoy trying to critique gay couples in video games.

But i will leave with one question before i’m marked by the mob.

If this couple comes out and is poorly written like that god awful Retcon of Varus from League of legends are we allowed to talk about how bad it is due to poor writing or is it not allowed because they are simply gay?


It is more like

Badly written minor gay couple exists in video game? Gamers TM start raging and crying about forced diversity down their throat and how gaming is RuInEd : (

Badly written minor straight couple exists in a video game? Cricket noises

When huge sh*tstorms always happen when a minority is added in the game, might want to think about why and how straight couples never cause such sh^tstorms

because straight people are 95% of the population?


Maybe like Tali said, they should grow up : )

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This here, I don’t have to like you because you’re gay. Keep your nastiness away from me and I’ll keep away from you. Heck even the word is stupid, ain’t no one gonna scream and run away in fear from a gay person. Most they’ll do is get sick or angry from lookin at ya.


And that is what we call a terrible human being that should be avoided.

Of course it is a human plate wearer xD

Here’s the thing if it’s poorly written i will call it out regardless of what they are it doesn’t excuse lousy writing using the Gamers tag line is just poor form that many gay people use these days to insult a group who generally are not homophobic cause they dared to question the writing of a gay couple.

It is true there are many homophobic people out there but it doesn’t excuse the fact that we are not allowed to question a gay character simply because they are gay.

This is the same writing team who wrote BFA and wrote Nathan The Bow Boy Wonder and Sylameass and you expect them to write in a proper gay couple without it feeling forced or used for brownie points?

Also on another note that new Elf couple blood elf boy and Mana girl were straight and i called it cringe then and will continue to do so cause Blizzard can not write couples or even their own fantasy lore anymore.

So guess we’ll have to wait and see if this new couple is worth reading into and if Blizzard even going into them further or just use a 1 line dialogue telling us he is a gay and he sacrificed himself.

Did you just change what I typed to fit your narrative? But even so, I can like/dislike whatever I want.

You outta apply that to yourself bub.


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Don’t fall for Ralphs games he turns stuff against you so you insult him and he reports and gets you banned he’s a troll who claims to be on the right side of the fence and uses his “LGBT” tag to protect himself from any criticism.


I know he’s a troll, but I’ll still call out his stupidity.

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What you do is irrelevant, what happens in reality is what is important.

And what is happening is gamers TM having huge outrage everytime a minority is included in a video game, crying about agendas, forced diversity, quotes, checkboxes etc because they simply cant handle the fact that some characters will not be str8.

That is what happens and what matters and what needs to be stopped.

This is even more relevant when it is literally irrelevant MINOR CHARACTERS that wiill never be fleshed out.

Same guy who acted like a sperg and when he was called out on it, he cried foul when he himself also did the exact things that he accused asmongold of. I have respect for his youtube content but not his opinions.

Anyway who cares about the gay couple, its only a distraction to blizzards poor writing for the past couple years, and especially the writing in bfa. But I’m sure like before people will somehow gloss over what I said about the writing being horrible and jump straight to calling me a homophobe.


Normally i’d enjoy taking lots of bait to have a posting comp but i have games to go play so i’ll leave ya with this.

This is a video game not reality plus the quote “What you do is irrelevent” Is actually funny cause you’re telling me i’m not apart of reality by suggesting i don’t like characters as person isn’t real?

These are the same “Gamers” as you called them that cry about pvp/items/pixels/real cash shop people will complain about anything but it is only when Gay people are brought into the mix that it is a really important issue instead of telling people they are horrible people cause you believe them to be apart of the Homophobic minority.

So good luck with trolling Ralph i assume many others will bite the bait and give you those clicks.


Wonder if Talimoron is going to comment on his buddies at Blizzard now being investigated by the Feds for various work place harassment claims.


I’m a day late, but this means that you are comfortable witnessing a relationship that you found “taboo” for your own benefit but aren’t actually tolerant of the individuals in the video and/or their life choices.

You are either an ally, or you aren’t. But you cannot claim to be “okay” with lesbian women or gay men in certain contexts and not okay with them in others. It’s hypocritical and honestly quite small-minded.